We flew into Heathrow at 2.40pm on Sunday having spent 20 hours in airports - Kerala - Bahrain. We found that it was going to cost £100 & take until 8.30pm to get to BHX on the bus, so opted to hire a car & drive home for £99 instead.
We called in at B & E's en route, helped out with the turkey & revived a little.
It was great to see them all after a month away.
Steve & Di had kept the home fires burning & bought milk & bread - brill.
The bad news was that a gas leak at the Alms houses had lead to the deaths of two of the tenants & a lot of damage.
P, A, J & T came to lunch on Monday, M & N to tea. Today, Peter came to stay, it has been a really nice couple of days.
I have done six loads of washing, four of ironing. I deserve a medal!
We had a lovely holiday, which you may have kept up with, Mumbai & Kerala were fascinating - noisy, hectic & fun. I think that we saw most of the 16 million people who live in Mumbai, along with the litter that they drop. This seems to be collected randomly, allowed to fester & then deposited in large piles on street corners, for the locals to sort.
Kerala was a real contrast, green & luxuriant where you can travel for the odd mile without seeing anyone at all!
Ann's Homestay was wonderful - peaceful & relaxing with the most amazing food, all home grown & home cooked, including spices & fruit.
We went to midnight mass in Pula; driving past all of the villagers, in their best clothes, walking to church for a two hour service in Malayalam, mostly chanted. During the service we all walked outside to pray by a fire, the priest holding a baby Jesus doll; we then had frankincense to throw onto the flames, then walked to a nativity scene to put J in the crib.
On Christmas day,we had Christmas cake, beef, pork & fish curries with rice pancakes, & that was just for breakfast.
We went for a good walk on Christmas morning, & families in cars stopped to introduce the family to us & say "Happy Christmas".
There was elephant dung on the road!
We have 3000 holiday photos - G will put them on the TV for anyone who visits!
Thanks for all of the cards & letters - there are 7 days of Christmas left, so Merry Christmas to everyone, especially those still struggling with the turkey.
We called in at B & E's en route, helped out with the turkey & revived a little.
It was great to see them all after a month away.
Steve & Di had kept the home fires burning & bought milk & bread - brill.
The bad news was that a gas leak at the Alms houses had lead to the deaths of two of the tenants & a lot of damage.
P, A, J & T came to lunch on Monday, M & N to tea. Today, Peter came to stay, it has been a really nice couple of days.
I have done six loads of washing, four of ironing. I deserve a medal!
We had a lovely holiday, which you may have kept up with, Mumbai & Kerala were fascinating - noisy, hectic & fun. I think that we saw most of the 16 million people who live in Mumbai, along with the litter that they drop. This seems to be collected randomly, allowed to fester & then deposited in large piles on street corners, for the locals to sort.
Kerala was a real contrast, green & luxuriant where you can travel for the odd mile without seeing anyone at all!
Ann's Homestay was wonderful - peaceful & relaxing with the most amazing food, all home grown & home cooked, including spices & fruit.
We went to midnight mass in Pula; driving past all of the villagers, in their best clothes, walking to church for a two hour service in Malayalam, mostly chanted. During the service we all walked outside to pray by a fire, the priest holding a baby Jesus doll; we then had frankincense to throw onto the flames, then walked to a nativity scene to put J in the crib.
On Christmas day,we had Christmas cake, beef, pork & fish curries with rice pancakes, & that was just for breakfast.
We went for a good walk on Christmas morning, & families in cars stopped to introduce the family to us & say "Happy Christmas".
There was elephant dung on the road!
We have 3000 holiday photos - G will put them on the TV for anyone who visits!
Thanks for all of the cards & letters - there are 7 days of Christmas left, so Merry Christmas to everyone, especially those still struggling with the turkey.