Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Home at last.

Our cabin - champagne on ice & canapes on arrival.
Me, about to cast off in Barcelona.

I thought that this was G & me, from the thumbnail - John, on the next table.G is much younger & better looking!
We flew into Heathrow at 2.40pm on Sunday having spent 20 hours in airports - Kerala - Bahrain. We found that it was going to cost £100 & take until 8.30pm to get to BHX on the bus, so opted to hire a car & drive home for £99 instead.
We called in at B & E's en route, helped out with the turkey & revived a little.
It was great to see them all after a month away.
Steve & Di had kept the home fires burning & bought milk & bread - brill.
The bad news was that a gas leak at the Alms houses had lead to the deaths of two of the tenants & a lot of damage.
P, A, J & T came to lunch on Monday, M & N to tea. Today, Peter came to stay, it has been a really nice couple of days.
I have done six loads of washing, four of ironing. I deserve a medal!

We had a lovely holiday, which you may have kept up with, Mumbai & Kerala were fascinating - noisy, hectic & fun. I think that we saw most of the 16 million people who live in Mumbai, along with the litter that they drop. This seems to be collected randomly, allowed to fester & then deposited in large piles on street corners, for the locals to sort.
Kerala was a real contrast, green & luxuriant where you can travel for the odd mile without seeing anyone at all!
Ann's Homestay was wonderful - peaceful & relaxing with the most amazing food, all home grown & home cooked, including spices & fruit.
We went to midnight mass in Pula; driving past all of the villagers, in their best clothes, walking to church for a two hour service in Malayalam, mostly chanted. During the service we all walked outside to pray by a fire, the priest holding a baby Jesus doll; we then had frankincense to throw onto the flames, then walked to a nativity scene to put J in the crib.
On Christmas day,we had Christmas cake, beef, pork & fish curries with rice pancakes, & that was just for breakfast.
We went for a good walk on Christmas morning, & families in cars stopped to introduce the family to us & say "Happy Christmas".
There was elephant dung on the road!
We have 3000 holiday photos - G will put them on the TV for anyone who visits!

Thanks for all of the cards & letters - there are 7 days of Christmas left, so Merry Christmas to everyone, especially those still struggling with the turkey.

Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Kingfisher flys south in winter

Great visit to Coloba fishing village about 3 roads down from Mumbai Hotel a.m. - real community - but massive contrast to CBD only across the way.
'Cooltaxi' to airport and a Kingfisher flight to Mangalore and Kochi. 'Sitig II' drove us from airport to Arches hotel Cochin in the dark to gs amazement . Got here in one piece.
Hotel great and only c.30c. historic tour today nad culture show etc . Move to homestay tomorrow for xmas celebrations . All seems to be happening too fast now - should have stayed longer. (?).
An indian j is kicking off at pres. same body language- (under breakfast table in defiant mood - him not me!).
Will try to blog tonight as may be last cahnce before Christmas.

Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Godwin Hotel Mumbai - Tues 22 Dec.

Using the computer in the dining room at breakfast -
on modem, by my right hand.
Arived Sat - did the town, back to ship to slep.
Disembarked on Sun - 2 hour taxi ride around sights, then on fot.
Carol service at Weslian church in centre at 5.0pm, power cut, started at 5.40pm, sound system a failure.
Walked miles yesterday, did the souks - amazing!!!
Just of walking to local fishing vilage.
Flight to Cochin at 2.35pm
Love & kises.
This keyboard has a problem or two - wont do double leters at al - no time to corect.

Friday, 18 December 2009

Was it an albatros?

Today a large bird soared alongside the ship for some hours, occasionally diving for a fish.
It looked like a penguin with big wings.
I do know that this is unlikely.
We are in the Arabian Sea, one night's sailing from Mumbai, where we dock in about 12 hours.
At 15 knots, that must be 180 knots, whatever a knot is!
We have had two days at sea, which is very relaxing - breakfast, walk a mile around the very top fore deck (18 laps), sit in the sun & read/chat, lunch, sit in the sun, choir practice, gym, each for an hour, change for dinner at 8.30pm.
I'm sure that aj & MM would love this lifestyle - we have some brill web-sites to check out for amazing deals - cheaper than hibernating, with the heating & the moonboots on!

We have just performed our concert to a packed house. It went very well & was great fun.
I am already dressed so am blogging whilst G is in the gym.
We are on board tomorrow night after a day in Mumbai, then we disembark on Sunday morning & have two nights in a local hotel before flying to Cochin.
Some passengers are staying on for the next "leg", to Singapore, quite a few are staying in India for Christmas.
Some passengers apparently did not have Indian visas & had to disembark at Muscat.
I don't know how that happened as visas were checked on boarding.

We were told that there was snow at home - make the most of it. It's no big deal for the Danes, is it.
I hope that BHX isn't closed on 27th!
G wonders if the grandchildren will remember him - will you show them the odd photo of him, but not just before bed!
We are both quite brown, but he doesn't have a beard, so that will help.
It seems an age since we left home, but it's only 3 weeks, tomorrow.
It will be nice to be on land, able to walk in any direction for more than 20 metres & not recognise nearly everyone that you see.
We had lobster thermidore last night - do you know any good jokes about that?

I'm reading W's new James Bond novel, which is good & obviously written with film potential.
Very typical Bond stuff.

It may be difficult to blog when we disembark - I'm not sure how up to date they are with communications in Mumbai!!

Enjoy the snow.

Monday, 14 December 2009

A Job lot.

Today we docked in Oman - Salalah, at daybreak.
We opted for a tour - The Frankincense Trail.
This involved a drive up through the desert to see a frankincense tree, a toilet stop, a visit to the coast to see blowholes & then on to Job's Tomb, a further toilet stop & then back to the ship.
This sounded rather better than it turned out to be.
The scenery was fascinating - desert with camels & frankincense trees. Why we chose one particular tree I don't know. The camels eat them, there is nothing else to eat.
The coast was lovely - 2000 miles of it in all. The tide was out so the blowholes were merely "belching", rather than the 20metre gush that was intimated.
Job (you all know him - had a bit of a bad time with God, then things got much better) has a pretty non-descript tiled tomb with a footprint outside.
The ladies didn't like the toilets as they were "squatters" (toilets, not the ladies!)
Salalah has a monsoon from 8 June to 18 Sept & is then a holiday resort.
It is all new with not a great deal to see otherwise.
We spent the pm on the deck in warm sunshine, watched the sun go down & then went to the gym before dinner.
There is a "Pirates' Party" on the Aft Deck - I hope that there are no gatecrashers!

At sea tomorrow & then a day in Muscat, still in Oman.

Friday, 11 December 2009

Start saving....

For the ransom, that is.
We hit pirate territory this afternoon - Oman.
We are low risk, but measures are already in place & we had a drill yesterday morning - new muster stations below the deck areas & no lights or people on deck after dark this evening.
We have razor wire around the decks & fire hoses at the ready - excitement.
I shall be looking out for skull & crossbones to take pictures for J & T.

Second day at sea & two more to come.
Sea is like a mill pond & warm sun, with clouds.
Yesterday was hot, we lay on deck & read (G slept) for part of the day, then choir practice for 11/2 hours followed by the gym, sauna, dinner, a show, tea & bed.
We have just been to a lecture "Laughter the best medicine" by Dr Rami ..., a consultant surgeon from Nottingham.
His third lecture, all brilliant - knowledge & humour.

On Internet whilst it's quiet - everyone on deck, otherwise it is terribly slow (& expensive)
I'm meant to be researching my sermon for Sunday - spare me a thought at 5.30pm ( 2.30, I think). It's not a real sermon.

Notes made then lunch & back on deck until choir at 4.30pm, which is great fun, with a brilliant leader, then the gym.
G has me weight training & the like - hard work but my shoulder is much better.

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Happy Birthday, Oscar.

Oscar is three today - I hope he had a great birthday.
We just celebrated a 64th birthday with Billy, at our table - the first time he has smiled so far!

Yesterday we went to the Dead sea - enough said. We went to the gym this evening & then had saunas, to remove any last traces of mud.
This morning we went to Naama bay to see the sites of G's great diving triumphs. We walked the beach, seeing some pretty good fish right at the edge, then spent an hour on a glass bottomed boat, the water was beautifully clear & blue with a good number of different fish.
I still do not ever want to go diving.
We went to old Sharm & pottered arourd the shops - fairly typical Egyptian tat really - then back on board to sail for Oman, past Saudi.
We have a special drill in the morning & they have put razor wire all around the stern to prevent pirates boarding - sounds exciting.
We will get some photos of "skull & crossbones" for J , if they materialise.
Clocks forward another hour tonight, GMT + 3.

Monday, 7 December 2009

Day 2 on shore.

On Saturday we docked in Port Said & took an early morning, 3 hour trip to Alexandria, where we visited the museum, library (initially founded about 450BC by Ptolemy), the catacombs & palaces. The back streets were fascinating, bustling, narrow & colourful. It deserves a second visit. Back late.
Yesterday we came through the Suez Canal, over 100 miles, which took from 2.00am until 2.oopm - lots of ships!
This morning we docked in Safaga & took an early trip to temples on the NIle, to the North.
Good, but 8 hours in the coach for 2 1/2 hours at the sites.
Just had a great dinner with excellent company - a couple from Loo, bookmaker & wife, who runs a touristy shop.
He's opening a book (privately) on the number who "pop their clogs" on board.
Average age is 68!!
Some other youngsters like us.
Off to the Dead sea tomorrow.

Friday, 4 December 2009

Yesterday's blog!

It wouldn't go - slow connection - here's the gist-
G says that he feels like the Ancient Mariner.
I didn't explore further as the things we are not short of are food & water & we have yet to see an albatros!
We sailed on Mon night at 11,59pm, a storm force 8 promised & everything stowed/held down - apart from the shelves in the shop, apparently.
This opened yesterday.
Veterans of many cruises are surprised by the swell - a lot of "rock & roll" ( but no sign of seasickness)
Highlight of the day was watching the newly filled jacuzzi pour most of it's contents over the adjoining sunbeds. I was noted at lunch as the "lady who laughed". Rather a lot, actually.

UPgraded to a junior suite - champagne, fruit & flowers on arrival, daily canapes, fresh cut fruit & chocolates on the pillows. Only one grade higher. Fantastic.
We thought that this was normal until we looked at the plan to find our Muster Station & realised that there are only 4 larger cabins & we should be in the bowels, not on deck 7/9.
We checked out our cabin - list on the door of jobs to be done - all possible!
Praise the Lord!
I've joined the choir (practice daily for 1 hour when at sea), we go to lectures, the gym the spa...
A floating" "Mount" (Woking) but with other like-minded youngsters.

I walked a high speed mile around the top deck after breakfast in the fresh air whilst G taught an inmate to use the internet, then a lecture on Alexandria, lunch, a tour of the bridge with the Captain, the gym, choir practice then dinner in the Yacht Club (posh - Italian, 5 course)
Now to bed, up at 5.30am, then off to Alexandria, back late.
Christmas decorations going up today.

Alive and kicking

Nice boat, good food but late leaving Barcelona after 2 week refit so sailing direct to Port Said missing Malta and Alexandria. Consequence 4 days+ at sea and it's been rough - force 8/9 with a big swell on starboard quarter. Not sick but walking drunkenly. Could of course be all the wine!
Cabin upgraded to Junior suite, champagne on ice on arrival + big fruit bowl. Cut Fruit and canapes each day. Trip top Alex on Sat Canal Sat night/Sun then back on Schedule.
All well and getting to gym each day. Bright and sunny today - first time though.
Looking forward to comments. will upload a longer detailed later but connection Not great at pres.
G & g

Friday, 27 November 2009


It's a lovely bright, cold morning, I've just been out in my down jacket, having been inspired by the number of people who wear them in Denmark.
It is as light as a few feathers & amazingly warm. Over 50's should get them on the NHS!
On reflection, no age limit, as this would mark you out.
I can't bear to take it off.
I've been to Coleshill in the volvo.
I love it. It defrosts in seconds & the seat heater is delightful & it is so nice to drive.
G is looking after Thomas, I'll catch him up later, for an aj coffee in M&S.
The ironing beckons...


W has a fantastic, new slim figure - better than ever.
MK, of course has her usual fantastic figure; she & J are almost at the stage where they can share T-shirts. Whether "Spiderman" would be seen as a fashion statement is another issue.
J's English is really good & spoken with great confidence - "I don't understand, Grandma", when necessary.
DK will be a match for T & KP - he has a large "vocabulary" of sounds (allowing for both languages), which he practises whenever awake.
Denmark was no colder or darker than home, in fact, this morning is probably the coldest that I've experienced for a while. So saying, the new windows at W & MK's are very effective.
There were puddles under the old pantry window here this morning - a rare sight, thank goodness, as I felt compelled to clean the window, which is awkward as it has bars.

E tells me that T was a star in his Christmas production.
Well done T!
All that speech practice paying off!
KP should be a star!

G tells me that Jessie's reading is now even more fantastic - I shall see her (& Thomas) later.
Clothes to iron, jobs to do, aj to talk to...........

Thursday, 26 November 2009

Home again.

Up early this morning to get to CPH by 8.00am - thanks to W for the lift & seeing me safely on my way.
The flight was 50min late due to "technical problems", which gave me the opportunity to
1. go to the loo
2.start reading "The White Tiger", one of the books that W sent home with me.
It is brilliant - e-mails from an Indian entrepreneur to a Chinese diplomat, explaining life in India, as far as I have read - half way through by the time I landed.
G met me at BHX.
I have since washed everything washable, changed the bed & been to KS to Awards Evening.
This last venture was a bit cheapskate really as I came home after having a chat & attending the reception for the guests (I am always invited as I awarded "The Noble Peace Prize" for the pupil offering most support to others, on my retirement)

It looks like 11.14pm here, my body thinks that it's 12.15, so I'm off to bed with my hotty.
Question Time is on - Charles Faulkener (smug Tonyite) & Melanie Phillips (Daily mail - global warming denier), taken on by Marcus Brigstocke.
Not good enough to lose sleep over!

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

The penultimate day.

This morning I went for a run, well a run with a bit of walking included, to be honest.
It was wet & windy & muddy in places.
J went to Nursery & MK, DK & I went to the outlet, had a good browse, a excellent lunch & then we visited Nike & Reebok looking for a pair of trainers for me that would double as walking/gym shoes on holiday.
Finding a pair was time consuming, then MK pointed out that there was a special offer on which demanded that you bought two things of similar value, as the second "thing" was only 49Kr.
As they had little to fit a size 14, 50 year old of indifferent athletic talent (OK, I lied there somewhere), I eventually found a second pair of trainers - white leather with gold writing that J tells me says that I am a "winner".
This took so long that DK was all but walking by the time we left.

WE collected J & have enjoyed a nice dinner of marinaded pork chops.
The highlight had to be DK throwing his head back, playing dead when "shot" by J during the meal, copying mum, dad & J.

Home tomorrow, arriving BHX at 10.00am.
Thanks to the all of the family for an entertaining week & excellent Danish cuisine.

Monday, 23 November 2009

Rain, rain go away....

Today has been quite wet.
The rain started this morning as I left the house to go for a run.
I ran for half an hour, around the park, which was pleasant, if rather muddy in places. Any of you would have done it in half the time, I´m sure, but, so what?
I did it.
J & I have played all sorts of games, including making plasticine fish & watching "Finding Nemo" to see if our fish were any good.
J´s favorite game is to chase each other around the house at high speed - I´m not sure that this is appreciated by anyone else but J & me.
Later DK & I played trains & did a lot of walking around the house whilst MK & J went to gym.
We have had a hearty meal of home-made soup & bagels, the boys are asleep & all's well with the world.
Perhaps we'll watch Star Trek again & see if we understand it this time around.
The young Spock has a certain charm, the old Spock looks so old - dentures which affect his speech somewhat. They do appear together, which is confusing.
Is it possible to converse with yourself in a previous age?
I thought that James Bond was diffficult to follow.
On balance "Nemo" is an infinitely better film than "Star Trek".

I am reading W's copy of "The Lost Symbol", which I aim to finish before I go home.
Some feat!
I think that it is a very good story & better written than The D C or As & Ds.
I did get waylayed reading "Manhood" by S Biddulph, explaining the problems facing men .
It's worth reading & makes some very salient points.

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Sunday & not a sermon in sight.

I have had a lazy day, playing with J & DK, writing Christmas cards & eating. It has been wet.
It being10.00pm here, W & MK have gone to bed.
W did a bike race in the forest near Cph this morning, arriving home very muddy from the neck up & mid-thighs down. J had a birthday party, I played with DK & MK did everything else.
W cooked some excellent meatballs & spaghetti for dinner & we have just watched the new Star Trek film, which W explained to us as it proceeded, not without a good deal of candour, I may add.

The last two days have been mild & bright, so MK & I have been out with the boys, J on his bike.
He goes like the wind & takes pleasure in going up steep hills - a weird trait.
Yesterday we met K & L with baby A, in the forest, then went on to T & B's for a great dinner.
This all sounds very Hansel & Gretel, but there is a lovely shop which sells Christmas foods & decorations, alongside a coffee & cake/pancake shop.
It's not far into the forest, but there are nice walks & a lake.

G tells me that it is very wet at home.
He didn't say a great deal more as he was at P & A's, watching TV & Jordan was featuring, largely.
What do men see in that woman????

I hope to go for another run in the morning, to keep in training for chasing J around the house.
I'm not sure that everyone appreciates this as much as J!

Many congratulations to J for the swimming - inherited her Mum's talents?

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

And the biggest animal was......

an elephant.
The smallest was probably a stripey beetle (not the scientific name) A number of these were feasting on two white mice (dead), in a small china dish.
Today we went to the zoo in Copenhagen. It is a lovely zoo, we had a scrummy picnic on arrival, spent a couple of hours perusing the wildlife & finished the day in the cafe, which, unlike the cafe at Twycross, does not give the impression that the food is prepared alongside the animals' rations.
We had coffee & chocolate whist J & DK devoured large smartie cookies.
MK, J, & DK behaved brilliantly, the only downside was that it p... down from the moment we arrived.
G says that it is "rough up North" (no change there then!) & they are due a month's rain tomorrow.
We had a month's rain in 2 hours here!
W had prepared a "very adequate" dinner, when we returned, the children are in bed & we have a glass of red wine & Top Gear on TV (you can't win them all!)

W's computer has this strange little mouse contraption, on a lead, which takes a bit of getting used to.

I've travelled all this way to find something interesting to put on my blog, will somebody bother to comment, even if it's only a "Hello".

I retract some of the mouse comment, the one with a lead isn't attached to this computer at all - that's where I was going wrong.
This mouse is not tethered at all!

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

All aboard the Skylark!

I`'m not sure about the title, but I am in Denmark, having flown out this morning - SAS, not the broomstick, in this weather.
I had a lot of things to bring. I packed my usual case, found I had no room for clothes & so re-packed in G's big red one (!), weighed it, then re-packed with all of the books plus the jar of mincemeat in my rucksack.
The case was still 24kg, the rucksack, 9kg.
They charged for the 4kg excess baggage, which seemed a bit mean in retrospect, as mine was the only checked baggage. I stood at belt 5, at CPH, on my own, thinking that I must have got it wrong, when G's big red case sailed round,completely alone.
At security, I was allowed through in my boots, then had to remove them was then searched manually & then with the metal detecting wand.
They brought my rucksack to be searched, but relented when I told them I had a jar of mincemeat for my son & I always took him one.
They checked the bag again & said that I could take the mincemeat through as it was firm. Jam would not have gone through.
They have not seen my damson!

I sat with a charming Indian man & the time just flew.
W,MK & DK met me at Kastrup, although DK was unaware of my presence until we arrived home at which point he woke up.
His operation has been postponed as he has a sniffle so I shall just enjoy a week's holiday & be of no use to anyone.

We have had a lovely dinner & the boys are in bed & it's still only 7.18 GMT.
I have a glass of wine to finish - shame!

Monday, 16 November 2009

Monday 16.

Which means that Friday was the 13th, & I didn't realise.
I could have stressed all day.
Anyway, thanks for the advice re the sermon - I always give the minimum' wanting to leave them wanting more rather than less.
It all went well.
We had a light lunch - soup - & then went for a walk whilst the sun was shining. We spotted a fine crop of sloes down Moat House lane, so G went to pick some whilst I swept up leaves.
The garden looks pretty good - green, tidy & with all of the borders nicely planted up with winter pansies.

This morning I played tennis for a couple of hours, the low sun causing us more of a problem than the threat of rain. Apart from enjoying the game, you benefit from a scamp around in the fresh air & working on the hand /eye co-ordination.
We had a healthy lunch, apart from the cream doughnuts which I found irresistible in Somerfield/Co-op.
I haven't eaten a cream doughnut for at least 20 years.
I had an appointment with the nurse this afternoon, then shopped for gin & sugar......
I have since packed ready for my trip to Denmark tomorrow.
Finding that I couldn't get all of the presents from the family in my beloved emerald green case, & close the lid,I resorted to transferring everything to G's large red case & putting all of the books in my rucksack.
The case is still 22.5kg, but closed, & my rucksack, 7kg.
I'll have to play the dotty granny & keep the rucksack on my back, without wincing, at the check-in.
Fish & chips with a cheeky little white Burgundy, for dinner - bugger the diet!

Friday, 13 November 2009

Hedgehog day.

Fridays have taken on a pattern of late; go to the doctors' for injections before catching up with G to play with Thomas.
This morning's injection was preceded by an hour's maths invigilation at KS, sitting with one student as prompter. I did manage the hour without talking - some feat!
I met the dynamic duo in Borders bookshop in Solihull where T was having great fun playing with the animated toy dinosaurs. Borders is closing down so has a sale on. Presumably another victim of the recession - there are a lot of empty shops , two in Coleshill High Street alone.
We lunched at MacDonalds; I didn't realise that a "Big Tasty" was going to be so big, I think that I thought that the implication was that it had a lot of taste.
It was enormous, even allowing for the stuff that escaped & slid down my trouser leg.
I bought a fleece in BHS, half price, a real bargain, then toiletries in Poundland.
I had to spend £25 in Morrisons to pay for the car park!

We drove home, separately, in the dark, wind & rain. Vile.
We settled for dinner by a big fire, with a bottle of pear cider, inspired by Hugh Fearnly Whittingstall, last night.
Ours was Swedish.
The wind is booming down the chimney but not enough to keep G awake.

There are weather warnings out for a lot of the country, Bournemouth/Christchurch in particular. Tomorrow is set to be rough.

We have just watched Jonathon Woss doesn't David Haye (boxing champ) look like George Bryan?
Arctic Monkeys are rubbish.

I let G open my post, which included a CD of Jamie McCullum, that I had bought for G's Christmas present.
This was a double whammy as it should have been Paulo Natini(?).
He was on JW recently & was impressive - Amazon didn't send the wrong CD, I ordered the wrong one.
They do look alike!

Sunday's sermon looks like hard work, something to do with time.
I'll sleep on it.

I plan to sponsor something for assembly at KS for Children in Need, inspired by watching Peter Kay on TV.
Any bright ideas?

Thursday, 12 November 2009

Home again.

This is habit becoming forming.
Home from Bicester, where I had a lovely morning with T & KP.
T got into bed with me at about 6.30am, assuring me that he had been awake for 3 hours, thinking.
His conversation is far ranging & fascinating.

After the school amble (with Baby Annabel), Geoff came to clean the windows, inspiring KP, cloth in hand, to carry her chair around & clean the insides, declaring it to be "great fun".
We then walked into Bicester in warm sunshine & bought a toy tractor for Oscar, "my cousin", then home for lunch.

The weather changed very much for the worse this afternoon & it was dark shortly after 3.00pm. I popped into Solihull on the way home as I was early for the hairdresser & got soaked.
I parked at Morrisons, which necessitated going in to spend £5 - they have Dove things at £1 & Philip Berio olive oil for £2 (I couldn't find it).
I'm sure that there were other bargains there somewhere.

I was looking forward to Question Time, with Will Self, but G has put on a DVD of the war that was free in the paper at the weekend.
Apparently, D Dimbleby is out of action ,having been injured by a farm animal of some sort - this news came from aj & G, not the BBC version!

I am at school tomorrow morning, then on to the doctors' for hap A & B, 2, then on to P's to play with Thomas & G.
Superdrug were out on the street today in Bicester, offering flu jabs for £9.99.
I declined, wondering if it was a market researcher giving the jabs.
Must check if aj has been offered that one - she's not good with needles!

The Maginot Line is being bombarded, I think that it may be time for a retreat, to bed.

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Gloves on.

I detected a note of criticism in some comments that my blog was a little short on interest.
Well, there is a basic problem here if life is not as exciting as some others.
We can't all have demanding jobs to go to from nine till five & do exciting internet shopping.
I did have a bit of a lie in, breakfast with G then sort out Christmas presents this morning.
I was just thinking of getting some lunch on when W phoned, on his way home from work!
Later I went to Coleshill, in the newly repaired volvo (looks brill) to buy bread, milk, humus, with sun dried tomatoes & take a bag of bits to the charity shop.
We were going to the pictures, but the new Michael Caine sounded horrific & it is a cold night so we brought in a basket of logs, lit a big fire in the lounge & had a nice meal in front of the fire.
Almost time for bed.
Tomorrow may be more exciting - tennis, Christmas shopping in Solihull then on to Bicester, with my sleeping bag.

I'll add some contentious comments to raise the interest level, based on my TV viewing this evening - Ant & Dec seem to be advertising "Weightwatchers" - whatever next?
I marked up the programmes to watch, as a joke, as Dad always did this in his dotage.
We didn't watch any of them as G had the remote.
No change there!
Rod Stewart has a new album out - must be old recordings!
When I'm really bored I'll go on "confused .com"

Monday, 9 November 2009

Home again

We have just returned from visiting JR in Cambs - a good journey despite heavy traffic.
We went down yesterday afternoon, stopping for lunch at The George in Huntingdon (not recommended).
We had tea with JR, a cosy evening in front of the new log burner & a good nights sleep.
Today we went to Bury St Edmunds, pottered around then had lunch at The Angel - a rather nice hotel on the square where JR stayed in his wild youth.
The meal was brilliant - the best meal out that I have had in ages.
Do go there if you are about - prices are very reasonable.
We went back for tea & then came home.
G wants the computer to do some work.

Comments please or I will sulk into oblivion.

Friday, 6 November 2009

Remember, remember....

Actually, I forgot.
I had an hour long interview with the market research guy about TDA/AIG as an assistant head.
I had done 3 hours research into the material on T'internet the previous evening (in York!) so that I could comment on it's usefulness & how it might be used to best effect in schools.
The first thing I needed to know was what the initials stood for.
Guess. (answers at bottom of page)
I then left for home, stopping at Judith's for coffee en route, reckoning on about two hours to get there.
To use W terminology, yesterday was not a navigational day.
For reasons that I may have been a little vague about, I went down the A1 rather than the M18.
I think that I should have got off earlier but I don't really know much about the meanderings of the A1, apart from that it goes from Stamford to London; I realised that I would end up in one or the other.
The little tin box doesn't have a cigar lighter so the Sat Nav has to work on the battery.
G told me to put it on when I was near to Judith's as the battery would not last.
Eventually, I stopped for fuel, put on the Sat Nav & then drove across rural Nottinghamshire & Leicestershire, living in fear of battery meltdown.
I eventually reached Judith's just before 3.00pm - 3 hours after leaving York & had a lovely salmon sandwich & a natter.
I had completely forgotten that I was meant to be at the doctor's for inoculations.
What a twit!
The surgery fitted me in this morning at 8.30am, so I now have only three more sessions to be protected for life from most letters in the alphabet.
I am going to P's to catch up with G, who is in the park with Thomas.
Fitting the baby seat in the car may be a challenge as I think that the baby seat may be bigger than the rear seats in the little tinny box.
Enjoy your day.

Teachers' Development Agency.
Advice, Information & Guidance.

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Aygo, wego!

Aj offered me the first cup of tea of the day at 4.15am.
I pointed out the error of her body clock & went back to sleep; aj had tea & biscuits in bed, then slept until morning.
We eventually went to Wetherby & did the shops before buying food for lunch & dinner, in M&S & coming home for lunch.
After a prawn cocktail lunch we went to Acomb's foremost charity shop (no sale) we went to the designer outlet to search for out of season clothing. Apparently it was sold off in January.
That must have been last year's stuff.
Never mind, we bagged a few bargains, were warned that the lights went out in the changing rooms 3 minutes after we went in & were thrown out onto the street into the rain at 6.00pm.
We have recuperated with a cup of tea. checked the shopping & are waiting for the moussaka to cook.
I have some web-sites to check out in preparation for an interview with a market research guy tomorrow morning, before setting off for home.
I think that this evening's pub quiz may be one decision too far!

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

E by gum!

Apparently this is how they get high in Yorkshire - injected into the mouth.
I have come to check this out & see aj whilst here. I can't actually see her at this moment as she has gone to a focus group, but should be back soon to whisk up some local cullinary delicacy (cook/chill from JS, just down the road!)
I drove up this morning in the small tinny petrol free ka.
This necessitated a trip to Coleshill for fuel then Dunton, M42, A42. It all went downhill from there with 20 miles of roadworks on the M1 followed by torrential rain for the rest of the journey. All of this in a small tinny ka with seats that only go back or forward. Still, to be positive, it does have a radio that gets radio 4, is waterproof & doesn,t have a big dent in the rear end.

Aj & I used our bus passes (first time for mine) to go into York, coffee & a scone/teacake in M&S(only 70p, thanks to M&S premier vouchers) & a tootle around the shops.
Not a swimsuit to be had anywhere, apart from the Speedo Olympic T bar - unflattering for the more mature figure & guaranteed to give a ridiculous tan.
I did buy some bamboo socks, which have remarkable properties, allegedly - twice as absorbent as cotton, kills bacteria & enables the wearer to do amazing feats.
If they work, that,s my Christmas presents sorted.

We plan a trip to Wetherby tomorrow - aj favours the car rather than the bus - then the Outlet centre in search of out-of-season clothing then home.
I have a focus group in the evening. Jamie has just popped in & forsees a pub quiz to round off the evening.

Monday, 2 November 2009


I can't think of a snappy title for today's blog.
I gave the family the opportunity to say "no change there then!"

We went to DMP yesterday evening for the fireworks/60th anniversary celebration.
The fireworks were excellent, as they always are, interspersed with a laser show of the Bryan family & progress across the years.
B did not feature.
We then had a meal in the Hamilton suite - a pleasure to use the loo without checking that the other occupants did not have bottles of vodka in their underwear - usual practice at the school proms.
J,G & the children were all there & came to see us this lunchtime.

I played tennis this morning in bright sunshine, which was great & does my shoulder the world of good.
I did a quick shop in Coleshill then made some tiny chocolate fairy cakes & prepared lunch for J, G & co.
They couldn't stay long so, after tidying up, I did some gardening - clearing borders & planting four more trays of pansies, until dark (5.20pm)
At this exact point, it started to rain.
Since dinner I have taken in a couple of pairs of G's shorts, ready for his travels.

It has been a nice day weatherwise, but turned cold this afternoon.
I suppose that we should expect cold weather in November & lots of leaves.

G took the volvo into the volvo hospital this morning & came back with a black ka.
It's a bit small & tinny, reinforcing my belief in the superiority of volvos.
I am planning to visit aj tomorrow - not a fast lane journey.
I would go by train, but the fare is £60, with my railcard!!!

There is a lovely photo of J, celebrating his birthday, on W,s blog.
One that makes you smile back.

11.00pm, G is asleep, time for bed.

Saturday, 31 October 2009

All hallows eve.

Apparently, Halloween is replacing Guy Fawkes night as a celebration in Britain.
Not here it isn't.
We have not celebrated today. We have not worn or eaten anything orange, neither have we brandished sickles or forks, thrown eggs nor terrorised elderly people.
On the other hand, we shall attend a Guy Fawkes party & light at least one sparkler on 5 Nov.

Today we went to Whitacre Garden Centre, bought shrubs & yet more winter pansies, shopped in Coleshill for bread, veg & lottery tickets, then spent the rest of the day, until dark, gardening.
We have cleaned up all of the leaves on site, planted a shrubbery at the top of the garden, trimmed the front hedge & G has mown the lawns & field.
I still have to plant the pansies.
Rain is forecast for tomorrow, followed by winter.

We may have won the lottery, we haven't checked.
If you can't get hold of us tomorrow you'll know that this is the case & we have jetted off to the sun. (not really. We'll put the heating on & have a take-away)

We have tickets for the Antiques show at the NEC tomorrow,followed by a party at DMP in the evening. (& those pansies to plant)

Thursday, 29 October 2009

shopping again.

Debenhams website claims that hey have swimwear & dresses in a sale.
They are being economical with the truth!
They have 4 swimsuits,( sizes 12, 14, 14 & 18) a number of bikinis & no dresses. I did find that they also have scruffy changing rooms with only two small hooks underneath a shelf so that you have to put your clothes on the floor. They have grubby toilets with large toilet rolls sitting on the wet floor, in one cubicle this was down the loo,& no paper towels. However, I did buy a blouse which is exactly the right colour.
Birmingham is not nice.
We came home & cleared up leaves & planted some more winter pansies in the borders.
We are now resting - actually G is asleep.

Norman Painting, Phil Archer in the Archers has died today. He had played Phil for 60 years - a record for any actor. He also wrote one thousand Archers" scripts.
Will they bop him off by next week or find another actor to take over?
He was 85 so presumably there are contingency plans in place.

I am trying to think of something highly contentious to write so that you will all feel moved to comment.

Yesterday morning I had a Paddington Bear sandwich & a cup of tea for breakfast - an unusual choice.
I phoned aj & she was just having exactly the same for her breakfast.
Isn't that spooky?

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Shopaholic, me?

My parents' generation lived through a war, when you "couldn't get things for love nor money"
They had to "make do & mend", so got into the habit of only buying new things when necessary.
ie, to replace things that were worn out.
When we were children we had few clothes & these were always passed down.
Buying new clothes was a rare treat.
Aj & I had £40 spending money per term when we were at uni. One term we went into B'ham & bought maxi coats & boots before going back to uni & spent most of our money & Dad gave us more.
Usually we lived very frugally.
Old habits die hard.
Obviously some of this has rubbed off onto our offspring, hence W's complex about buying new clothes now that he has regained the body of an Adonis by strict diet & a punishing exercise regime. (see little W's world)
I suspect that most people know when they are being extravagant.
I'm planning a shopping spree tomorrow as I need a new swimming costume for my holiday as the elastic in my no 2 suit gave up the ghost in the sun & sea in Cyprus.

I've been to the doctors today, twice.
Dr Heath thinks that I have strained the muscles in my shoulder (serving at tennis I suspect) & am compensating, causing the pain in my arm.
Solution: carry a heavy weight when appropriate & see a phsyio.
This afternoon the nurse gave me a jab in both arms - hepatitis A & B, diphtheria, polio, tetanus & typhoid. Three more sessions to go, then I'm covered for life, almost.
I spent the rest of the day gardening & talking to aj on the phone & have had no ill effects whatsoever.

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Happy Anniversary G

It was a bright sunny day 14 years ago when G & I married.
Today it was mild but damp. We went to Coleshill to collect yet another parcel from the PO, post J's birthday card & bank some microscopic cheques - so small that I had to be careful not to lose them en route.
Good old Gordon!
We went on to Solihull where we had lunch in "Jimmy Spices" - an Indian/Thai/ Italian buffet restaurant in Station Road, just down from "Harry Herbs", so W tells me.
It was a very good meal & amazingly cheap.
We had a glass of Thai rose, which caused me to sleep for an hour when we got home at tea-time.
We have just watched 320 video clips from G's diving holiday.
I woke G up six times, allowing him to sleep for ten minutes at one point.
He only woke me up twice.
Animal life at 30/40 metres lacks colour & intellect - the environment offers little by way of colour or intellectual challenge, as far as I could see.
Perhaps the intellectuals have gone to study the wrecks a little deeper.

Time for bed.

Monday, 26 October 2009

Home & dry.

We/I had a busy/fun weekend - I give alternatives in case the other participants don't agree.
Home from Bicester via Solihull, to take on food, on Saturday morning.
P & Thomas (asleep), B,E, T & KP for lunch & a jolly afternoon & a relaxed evening.
Church at Lea Marston on Sunday morning, with E & T.
No organist so CDs, T was assistant, paid 50p, & asked if he could come again!
When we got home we had to play "Church" - T leading with a prayer (not bad) & playing carols on the stereo; we had to stand & sing.

Friday, 23 October 2009

A day of adventure.

I am in Bicester, having adventures with T & KP.
It has been a beautiful day here, warm & sunny with blue skies.
We went to T & KP's music lesson this morning, brought Baby Annabel home & walked to the station to catch a train to Banbury.
T counted the "adventures", which included lunch at Macdonalds, half an hour in ELC, using the loo by the market cross, an ice-cream in druckers &, of course, the train journeys.
I have to admit to a "Big Mac" & a cup of tea & a "Japanese fancy" in Druckers.
It was all great fun.
I have to get home tomorrow to get ready for visitors, complete sunday's sermon & welcome G home from his diving holiday.
I spent Wed & Thurs with JR & managed to scrunch the rear wing of the volvo reversing out of a neighbours drive in heavy rain.
The journey from Cambs to Bicester, via SATNAV is not good - about 50 roundabouts & little villages between the A roads, at the end of the school day/rush hour.
I slept through "Question Time"!
T came in at 5.45am for a chat - I'll get to bed in case he's up really early tomorrow morning!

Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Tuesday already.

B showed me the comments on my blog last night, on his i-pod, along with all sorts of amazing things. (Thanks W)
I've had a great few days - Sunday lunch here with friends & then down/up/across to Bicester when I'd cleared up & T & KP would be in bed.
I did forget to take a nightie & shoes, but B lent me some pjs & I had my trainers in my gym bag in the car, so all was well.
T came in for a chat at 6.30am, put the world to rights & negotiate a cooked breakfast.
KP & I had an enjoyable day after taking T to school.
We walked into Bicester, had lunch & walked home, in time to collect T from school.
K did stop talking on the way home, but only because she had fallen asleep!
This morning Tim tucked into a another cooked breakfast.
I eventually got off to look around Bicester Village, which was a total waste of time.
I do only take in a few shops, but there was nothing I liked, Nitya has gone & things seemed very expensive.
I had a potter around Solihull in the rain & the cold, before collecting Jessie from school & Thomas from nursery.

I hope to be up early in the morning to get an appointment at the doctors' as my shoulder is still painful, even without using the laptop,
I'm then going to see JR, returning to Bicester on Thursday evening in preparation for an adventure with T & KP on Friday.

An elderly couple in Aston Cantlow near Coventry have just sold their farmhouse near the church because the House of Lords has upheld some ancient agreement that the owners are responsible for repairs to the church, which needs £250,000.
That seems a bit unfair.

Clocks go back on Saturday night, so we get a lie in on Sunday morning.

Saturday, 17 October 2009

Have I got news for you?

No great news, that's what I'm watching - Martin Clunes in the chair.
It's very good.
They have just shown a woman of 100 winning the shot put in the age group, 100 - 104, in Brisbane. She also throws the javelin.

I had a very good time yesterday. Thomas & I went to Brueton Park, fed the ducks, splashed in the puddles, kicked through the leaves on the way across to the playground, then had lunch in Macdonalds.
T then went in his buggy & slept for an hour around the shops & halfway back across the park.
We collected Jessie from school, had tea whilst J went swimming then I came home at the & went to the Wheelers for dinner, along with the Pears, Manders & Swindells.
Transport was arranged & I got home late.
I've had a great day; I didn't get up until 8.30am then went to clean the church then on to the Woodwards coffee morning then on to shopping in Coleshill, Knowle & Solihull.
I have all of the ingredients for a wonderful Sunday lunch, a Piquot ware hot water jug, two silk & one linen skirts for my holiday & a bunch of yellow chrysanthemums to augment the altar flowers in church in the morning.
I've since done the ironing, vacuumed & made up the beds for next weekend as I've a busy week.
I went into Help the Aged & they had a copy of "The God of small things" by A Roy, the book that I wanted. 50p
On the back of such a successful couple of days, I bought a lottery ticket.
I haven't dared check it !

Thursday, 15 October 2009

All quiet on the home front.

I was just pondering the title, watching "The One Show", discussing hearing loss, when a list of titles came up.
This one seemed to fit the bill.
They made a high pitched sound, then reduced the frequency, finding that the younger people heard the sound first.
We've been doing that one in schools for years.

Actually, I have to admit that I,ve only just woken up - I generally manage 7.00pm without a problem.
We both went to the hairdressers this morning, then I did housework whilst G packed for his diving holiday, tomorrow.
We were going out to lunch, but it didn't happen as we had to collect G's new wheels from the garage in Kingsbury.
We went to M&S for a snack & coffee (The emmental & mushroom croq monsieur was wonderful), then on to Boots for diving medical necessities.

It's wintry today - leaves blowing about, cool (9 degrees) & damp.
I shall have an early night as it's a Thomas day tomorrow so I need to leave home about 7.30am.
I'm going to P & R Wheelers for dinner, which will be good - always interesting people & good food.


A good day.
I played tennis this morning - too warm for a sweater.
G went to work at lunchtime; I altered two pairs of trousers for G, cleaned all the downstairs windows, mopped through & then did a couple of hours in the garden.
Di & Steve came to dinner - roast gammon, roast veg, & cauliflower cheese followed by pear & ginger sponge & cream - & had a good natter.
I don't think that the meal would fit into any of W's diets - normal food, meat & 5 veg (5 a day!), with a fruit pud ( no 6).

How is it that some days you can get loads done & others , very little, seemingly expending the same amount of time & energy?

Has anyone got a copy of "God of small things" by A. Rob?

Tuesday, 13 October 2009


The weather has been kind so we finished tidying up the top bed and trimmed hedges enjoying a relatively warm afternoon and sunshine after a misty startacross the fields early on .
This long dry late summer has given us a great show of reds, browns and gold around the garden. Valuable investment as a good tidy-up at this time seems to pay off in the following spring. an opportunity to post a few photos for a change!

Monday, 12 October 2009

Another fun day at the funny farm.

I hope that you are all watching "Life" on BBC1 - the latest David Attenborough series, three years in the making & amazing.
I have just sat down, after dinner - green salad with flaked Parmesan & fresh croutons followed by lemon & herb crusted salmon with golden new potatoes & sugar snaps - to relax whilst G finalises holiday arrangements on the internet.
I find that it's best to keep well out of it.
Last night I had forgotten this!
So I am relaxing at the end of a relaxing day.
I played tennis in the sunshine this morning, which was great & did my shoulder the world of good.Then I pottered to Solihull for the opening, after refurbishment, of my favourite charity shop & shook hands with the Mayor - I've not seen him in there before, or perhaps it's that he was wearing his chain today.
G was home just before me, which was not in the plan. I hoped to be in my garden clothes, looking as though I'd been "hard at it " all afternoon, before he arrived.

I finished my Ian Rankin book this morning so have to decide on what to read next.
Any recommendations?
Nobody has commented on the new Dan Brown yet.

T may need a nurse tomorrow, so an early night is on the cards.
DK is completely irrigated & is due in for surgery on 18 Nov so I,m planning a Danish break to do some Granny duty

Friday, 9 October 2009

Home & dry.

I've had a busy week, without any teaching.
On Tuesday I tootled over to Bicester, via Kenilworth, in time to collect T from school & then KP.
G stayed overnight on his way from London.
On Wednesday KP, baby Annabel & I took T to school then took baby A home, made a picnic & then went on an adventure to Waddeston, to look for a sleeping princess.
We decided that she slept on the top floor, inaccessible to mere NT members, & was having a lie-in.
Never mind.
Perhaps next time.
KP was on great form & asked about 500 questions during the day.
Some I could answer!
We collected T from school, made cakes, then had tea.
T joined in the questionning! Quite an intellectual challenge.
On Thursday KP, baby Annabel & I took T to school then took baby A home, made a picnic & then walked into Bicester, where we picnicked in Costa Coffee.
It was a beautiful day, warm & sunny.
Then I drove home, via Solihull.

Today was a Thomas day, which was fun. We went to the park & the shops.
We didn't manage the 1 1/2 hours on the swings that G lasts!
I did break a glass today.
I never break things at home; Solihull seems to bring out the clumsy in me.

Gardening tomorrow, apparently.
I hope that it warms up.

Monday, 5 October 2009

But Thursdays & Fridays are great!

So what do you do on a Monday morning after a month of full time work, when your husband cooked a stir fry with 1/2 kg of ginger in it for dinner?
You go to the loo every hour during the night then clean the kitchen & the bathrooms, to put some order back into life.
It is now mid-day, I'm showered & ready for the gym (not a quorum for tennis today - hols & injury) & some shopping.
I am tempted to clean the bedrooms first - the joy of a big clean duster & a micro-fibre window cloth!
G has gone to London & will stay over with M, if she'll have him, visiting Bicester on the way home tomorrow.
I have an invitation to a cookery demo at Wood End this evening, so need to be home at a reasonable hour.
I'm working at the little bureau in the study, now officially"my desk", hoping that it won't cause me any further pain in my shoulder.
Something keeps bleeping on G's desk.
No idea what it is.

Over the weekend we've been to the Harvest Supper, worked in the garden, I've done my usual hours on a sermon & two services & yesterday afternoon we went into B'ham to buy A's birthday present.
We were pleased with it so I hope that it was what he wanted.
B'ham is vile.
We haven't been in since last Christmas & I don't think that I will bother again - seedy shop fronts, vacant premises, smelly traffic & lots of people.
I want to see extravagant window displays full of beautiful things that I can't afford, not Primark, Bookworks & The Poundshop!

School finished well. - a couple of hours after school, the Head came all the way to the top floor, where I was in my room, finishing marking, to thank me & confirm that I'd do Mondays & Tuesdays from Jan, to take the year 11 C/D borderline students for maths.
He wants me to do some 1:1 mentoring as well, when the finance is sorted out.
I was given 2 bottles of wine & a large box of chocolates (oh dear!) by colleagues; bottom year 10 said how much they had enjoyed maths with me & the parent of a distraught year 7 student wrote in to express her concern that I would no longer be teaching her daughter.
What was I doing wrong for the last 25 years???

I'm really just enjoying being at home on my own today.
Sad, or what?

Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Wednesday's were tough.

That's my last Wednesday - a very hard day.
Only a note so I still have repetitive strain injury to my right shoulder, which comes on very quickly when on the laptop..
G has gone to J & G's to look after the twins, whilst Oscar had a hospital visit.
He'll be very late or stay over. I've eaten & had a sleep whilst watching a programme about twins.
I wonder if aj did the same.
I'll check out the Travelzoo E mail, then go to bed.

Happy Birthday to W for tomorrow
Am I really old enough to have a 35 year old son?

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Tuesday, Tuesday.

I missed Monday, Monday.
I had a really aching arm on Sunday evening, which I realised was down to too long spent on the laptop, so I gave it a rest yesterday.
It worked, so I'm back.
Two good days in school, three to go.
Not much of interest to anyone else really - at my desk until 6.00pm, marking.
Tonight we were both quite smart as G had been at work as well. We went to The bull at Furnace End (under new management), now quite a smart restaurant,
We had a good meal - crispy duck salad/fish & chips & glasses of wine.
Rather pricey.
A change from the gammon joint that we've been eating since Sunday.Presently we are watching Rebus, before bed. G is asleep.

Steve is staying with W & MK tonight as he is in CPH, working.
Some great photos of the boys on W's LW..

Saturday, 26 September 2009

A day off.

We had a lie in this morning, a rare treat of late.
G kindly removed the enormous spider from the wash basin, that had given me a scare at about 4.00am.
Of course, he took some photos first - to be added later (specially for E)
G went to Coventry with a team of strong men & true, to collect a safe & deliver it to church, then on for a pint somewhere to recuperate.
I got the washing out & then went to Knowle & Solihull, shopping, which I thoroughly enjoyed, after a few weeks of abstinence!
My shopping problem for the moment is, what do you buy for a son's birthday when he is an avid shopper & has a good income?

Shopping tips:
Bold tablets, £5 at Tesco,
Butter 84p, canned carrot & coriander soup 39p, at M&S
Green & Blacks chocolate £1.17 at JS

Friday, 25 September 2009

Friday again.

Fred Talbot from the Met Office is doing the evening weather.
He's a strange choice - could scare small children, I think.
We have had a take-away (pp, chicken dhansak & pn), mainly because G bought cheap Cobra beer at Morrisons in Shirley when he & Thomas were out on the town.
I had a good day at school & then went to the Dog & Doublet with colleagues after school, or rather, I went after them as I had some work to finish & then did the washing up.
G was surprised as he says that I worked there for 25 years & never went to the pub after work.
How times change.
In those days I was always too late leaving to go anywhere but home.

A quiet weekend ahead. It will be a pleasure to spend some time at home & catch up on housework with, perhaps, a little light shopping.
G has door building in hand & has a safe to move up to church, ready to take the brass that has just arrived, replacing that stolen a few months ago.

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Heritage Day

Well it is in S Africa - a public holiday, instigated by President Mandela in 1996 to highlight the country's culture.
Here, it is another working day, a mere 98 days until Christmas.
I have had a good day - good lessons, bottom year 10 had all done their homework (so well that I gave out 5 praise slips - I rarely give any!) & fun with colleagues in between times.
Wendy, whom I am covering, came in after school to acclimatise, so with that & bus duty, it took me until 6.00pm to finish marking for the day.
G has been busy on the windows & has built a new frame for the garage loft door & has a new door under construction.
He'll be building us an eco-house in the garden next!
He came in & fell asleep before I'd served dinner.
He can have a rest tomorrow, chilling out with Thomas, including lunch out, no doubt.
This evening seems to be a dark period for TV,the news may be the highlight!
Perhaps I'll have a bath & phone aj.

W has a delightful photo of the boys on his blog, which makes me want to go out there asap.

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Work, work work!

Yesterday was Mum's birthday, she would have been 99, if anyone is interested.
Today has been hard work - 5 lessons to teach, two with next-to-bottom year 10, 1 with bottom set year 9, then bus duty & marking until 5.15pm.
All I've done since getting home is play on the laptop (Travelzoo day),cook a meal & watch TV.
G has been to a meeting, painted some of the house, finished mowing the lawns & put the bedroom window back.
What energy!

W says that his blog will not just be a boring account of his day.
Oh dear.
His days are interesting, I'm sure.
I'm working on the profound thoughts that may be of interest, but it's 10.20pm & I haven't had any yet.
I did note how much Prince William looks like his mother, when he was on the news earlier, as he "waits to fulfil his destiny"

We now have 2 leverets in the garden, so who knows?

Virgin trains have £14 return fares from B'ham to London, off-peak, if you book at least 3 weeks in advance.
Ryanair have flights to Europe for 2p.
I'm working until next Friday, 2 days overlap to "hand-over".
This is good because Thursday & Friday are my easy days, & I'll get paid.

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

That's puberty done with. (not the photos!)

A new resident in the garden/field - one of the leverets from the field across the road.



Photos from the weekend.

A fun day but hard work, the same session five times over with different year 7 classes.
Family photos to highlight changes between W & B pre-school & graduation photos, J between 20 week scan & the present.
I realised how much things have changed in my lifetime when I produced a "True/False sheet of facts & myths about development. My mother believed all of the myths & wouldn't have understood many of the facts. She certainly wouldn't have explained the meanings of "erection" & "masturbation", which many asked - many of them really are still little children.
The "SPEC Day" cake in the staff room & the "Be nice to Jamie " cake in the science office went down well.
That's my last baking for the staff this time !
Mick phoned from Holt school in Lozells; they're desperate for science staff.
I want a break & don't really fancy driving into B'ham every morning, despite Mick's assurance that it's a fantastic school to teach in.

G is mowing the lawns, having worked today & re-leaded the dining room window.
I only have the energy to blog, & that's on a good day.
6 days to go!

Monday, 21 September 2009

Monday, Monday,

Was it the Bee gees?

What a fantastic weekend, weatherwise - warm/hot sunshine throughout.
Out in the Lotus, topless!
It was pretty hectic with no real chance to catch up on the sleep today.

I did take a couple of hours off on Saturday morning to have a bath & do my hair, as I felt a bit "neglected", before writing Sunday's sermon, then off to food shop in Solihull.
I did try to take advantage of BHS 20% off day, but the queue was ridiculous, so I looked & left.
I went on to P & A's to Jessie's birthday party, arriving too late for the traditional "putting out of birthday cake candles with spit".
J, G & family stayed overnight, P, A & family joined us for Sunday lunch, which was a noisy affair, involving roast chicken, pudding & ice-cream.
The children had a good scamp around in the garden in the sunshine before J & G left for home, a nice cup of tea & then a quiet evening - we fell asleep!

I took the volvo for it's first MOT today.
It passed, but new tyres needed shortly.

SPEC day tomorrow - off timetable, year 7 puberty all day.
Put your most embarrassing question on a slip, to be answered at the end of the lesson (& there'll be at least one to be laughed about forever)
Must beat 9,set 5 maths!

G has some good photos - later.

Friday, 18 September 2009


Well, that's another week done.
I worked all through, including lunchtime, & was still marking at 5.30pm
I'm all set for Monday, apart from a few books still to mark
Tuesday is a SPEC day - a day off timetable for whole school activities.
A prize for the best guess - I've forgotten what it stands for.
I was on careers games with year 8, but it has been decided somewhere that I am the ideal person to do sex with year 7. Others have refused!

It is a beautiful evening.
G is up a ladder painting the study windows, having had a good day with Thomas - the park, (G chatting to the "yummy mummies"), breezing around Solihull & lunch at Mc Donalds again.
I should be vacuuming the bedrooms after G's work on the windows up there, & making up the beds for J, G & Oscar, but I need a break to work up the energy.
We shall have a take-away later, we shall have to spend some time deciding what to order.....

Milan banned size 0 models from the catwalk apparently; London has refused to follow suit, thank goodness, so aj & I are still in with a chance.

A busy weekend looms.
We look forward to seeing some of the family.

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Anyone for a bus ride?

Another fine day at KS.
I've cracked the last lad that was giving me hassle so it's all plain sailing now.
I've been asked if I'd like to apply for a job in the maths dept when it comes up at Christmas, & after school the Head asked if I'd be interested in 1:1 mentoring in maths,* which all borderline students will be entitled to shortly.
Just teaching, without the extra responsibilities is so different; work until 5.00pm & you can be on top of the game.

My bus pass arrived today - free passage on any off-peak local bus in England.
I don't know whose photo they have used.
It doesn't look like me, but is familiar.
I wonder how far I can get using joined up local buses.

*I presume by me, not for me.

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

au revoir, Keith.

We watched a documentary on Keith Floyd on Monday night. He looked awful, at least 90 & very doddery.
This was an astute assessment as he died yesterday, aged 65.
He was a great showman in his day & moved cookery programmes into a new era - outdoors & unscripted.

I am watching the 10.00pm news. Gordon Brown caught out again - 9.3% c.... planned, when he has denied planning any of the c word, repeatedly.
G is working on the window in the spare room, making a brilliant job of it.
I teach all day on Tuesdays & Wednesdays, enjoyable but tiring. I went to Ventura Park after school to collect brochures from the car dealers - VW, Toyota & Jaguar & buy car mags ready for tomorrow for year 11 to work out the costs of car ownership.
The problem with going around car showrooms is that you come away quite fancying a new car.
Jag do a pretty neat open top one & the Golfs still look good.
Keep buying the Lottery tickets, I suppose, although we really don't need another car.

DK is doing well & eating - a family trait!
I hope & pray that this may be all his little gut needs. J is on a residential!
We think twice about taking year 6 pupils away.

The family will be getting together at the weekend for Jessie's party.
Just keep T away from the switches at The Wacky Warehouse or it may never be the same again.

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Happy Birthday Jessie.

Jessie is six today.
I went over with a cake after school yesterday & we iced it with red icing & did "High School Musical decorations. Jessie did most of it, with great results.
We both ended up with red stained fingers.
B & A brought Thomas home from nursery, he & Jessie amused each other & everybody else, practising with a hoola hoop & dancing.
I came home at about 6.0pm to cook for the boss, who had been hard at work repairing the window & garage door frames.

I had two very good days at school, hard work but enjoyable, as I get to know the real characters, more names & ability levels.
Nobody falls asleep - perhaps I should encourage aberrant behaviour in church, or start with some mental arithmatic!
I have worked until at least 5.00pm most evenings to mark work & prepare the following day's lessons.
Today's greatest maths challenge was to convince year 11 that it is much quicker , when multiplying fractions, to cancel across the x first.
We'll get there.
Another full day tomorrow. I need to collect car brochures after school for bottom set year 11 to work on pricing car ownership.

G is already snoring at the other end of the settee - chiro tomorrow.

Shopping tip for the more mature - all Dove half price at JS.

Sunday, 13 September 2009

Indian summer.

Saturday was fantastic, weather wise.
We sat in the garden at 4.00pm in hot sunshine & had a nice cup tea, as a break from me gardening & G refurbishing the garage doors.
I went for a run around the block first thing & have the aching legs to remind me how long it is since I last went for a run. I was fine at the time, there was a mist over the fields, lots of wildlife about & only 3 cars to be seen.
I spent all morning writing today's sermon - a teaching sermon on James, writer of the Epistle, brother of JC. I found the research fascinating; one person agreed so the fact that a number of people in the congregation at Over Whitacre had their eyes closed, I shall put down to the bright sunlight, the heat, their advanced age & the fact that some people apparently close their eyes to concentrate more fully.
Indeed, at this very moment I am sitting on the settee next to G, watching the Grand Prix from Monza, having coffee.
G has his eyes closed, concentrating!
We are both working tomorrow. I am going to P & A's after school so that Jessie & I can decorate her birthday cake number 1.
I have researched "High School Musical" & think that I have a simple theme of red icing with stars, notes & a keyboard, that Jessie will be able to do.
It is quite breezy here with cloud - I've changed from summer clothes to jeans already.

Lewis Hamilton is in the lead, yards ahead.
W, MK & family should be home today.

Thursday, 10 September 2009

All's well.

Little DK is OK & snoring, KP is better so it's a great day.
G has gone to Leatherhead to see the family, I had a very good day at school& look forward to an early night to catch up on the sleep that I didn't get last night.
We have scaffolding across the back of the house where the pointing is being done & quite a lot of rubble/dust on the yard so the housework is on hold until it's finished.
I shall have completed my first full week's work for over two years, by tomorrow evening & enjoyed nearly all of it.

Wednesday, 9 September 2009


The A380 jet has landed at BHX today - a first, a whopper, with twin decks & a bar in first class.
I had smaller fish to fry - teaching all day & preparing lessons until 6.00pm.
Apparently there are lots of activities that you can do outside, on bearings.
I can't think of any!
Not a bad day in all & I get plenty of exercise running up & down to the top floor.
PCC at 7.30pm at the Rectory, so I'm about to have a low calorie, low fat snack.
Perhaps I wont bother.

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Day one.

Two free lessons this morning as all pupils were with tutors/in assembly.
I sat in the maths office & prepared lessons for two hours, all written up with objectives for most classes.
I have taught for the rest of the day & enjoyed it - years 8, 11 & bottom year 10, who measured & then drew angles to start the work on bearings.
I have them twice tomorrow!
A full day & then bus duty.
I must admit that I was tired by the time I got home shortly after 4.00pm.
I had a nice cup of tea with Diane & then fell asleep on the settee until G came home at 6.30pm.
Both working this week!

We have just watched a fascinating programme on damns - Big, Bigger, Biggest.
Now watching Lost land of the Volcano, about wildlife in New Guinea. Brilliant.
Do watch them if you get the chance.

Still looking for cheap Nile cruises.
The Co-op phoned tonight with their best deal - £679!!!!!
We'll get there.

Monday, 7 September 2009

First day of term - for the staff anyway.

A few pupils did attend, apparently, but were sent home.
I did wonder what happened to the lad from Coleshill School who was sitting on the curb at the end of Hollylands this morning as I'm sure that Coleshill was a training day today as well.
I suppose that he went home eventually.
It was a good day.
A meeting in the Hall, with the Head outlining the GCSE results - poor, only 31% with
5, A - C grades, including English & maths - & action to be taken to avoid dire consequences on the OFSTED front.
The poor results were largely due to poor English results following staffing problems.

He welcomed the new staff & me & I got a rousing cheer from all of the staff, which was heartwarming & quite unexpected.
I attended the necessary meetings, picked the brains of everyone in the maths dept that I could corner & caught up with friends.
Money for old rope!
I have to teach Pythagoras, fractions, data dealing & bearings to different year groups.
I shall hope to learn a good deal whilst preparing for the latter one as I never have a clue to my bearings.

Yesterday T & I went on our long awaited trip on The Shakespeare Express steam train from Stratford to B'ham, Snow Hill, return.
B brought T to the station & waited to see the train arrive. We had part of our picnic lunch whilst we waited to depart.
It was very relaxing, enabling T to ask questions for 3 hours, unhindered, of me in the main, but all of the railway staff were included.
T clipped the tickets, had an "Engine Drivers hat" & found that the trains live at Tysley.
He was excellent company all day & promised to show me how he makes prawn sandwiches - rather better than the Granny/M&S effort, I gather.
I took T home, had a long cuddle with KP & tea before driving home & falling asleep.

I have checked the old lottery tickets & find that we won £10 on 8 Aug.
Unfortunately we did not win the euro millions with G's impulse-buy ticket, but apparently no-one else did either.

Tomorrow looks like a quiet day as lessons 1 & 2 are with tutors; I am not one (Thank you God)as Wil, who I am covering, has other duties.
I'll check up on Pythagoras & keep a low profile.

Saturday, 5 September 2009

We have no basement.

Luke & Lucy'y wedding - the church.

- the guests.

The garden.

The rotten windows - this one's alright really, the lintel has problems.

What you can achieve with a chocolate button - note DK.

I am taking a leaf out of W's book, as he attracts a great many comments whilst no-one can be bothered to comment on my blog.
I note that the secret is to blog about health, bikes & the state of repair of the building.
G & I are both thriving, despite stiffness in the joints in the morning, soon cured by a few stretches & a good deal of flexing under a hot shower.
I shall suggest that we go for a bike ride later (after the lawns are mown).
My blue Raleigh bike remains functioning & has to date required no adaptations to improve its performance.
Admittedly, I do not ride it a great deal, but am well aware that its lack of high speed performance is largely, or, indeed, totally down to user weight : power ratio!
G has gone to Coleshill to collect the new belt for the mower - he has been out for much longer than he anticipated, not an uncommon occurrence.

We do not have a basement, which is fortunate as the water table here is very high & it would only be of use as a cistern - I would suggest an underground swimming pool, but I think that there would be insufficient headroom for such description to do it justice.
The window frames have patches of rot, which G is tackling, slowly, as time & inclination allow.
We have had the pointing done (that is not a typo) & will paint the exterior when G has done the repairs. We do need a new loft door above the garage, but none of those approached have come back to us.
Perhaps I'll make one out of old packing cases.
Are UVPC window frames really as bad as I've always thought.
They don't need paint & must last longer than these we have.

G had a Thomas day yesterday whilst I had a day of indulgence - I caught up with the laundry, played on the internet whilst watching TV (only for an hour or so) & went out at 2.00 pm to take some stuff to the charity shop & go to the gym.
We went to P & J's in the evening for supper, champagne & to discuss the wedding.
I slept better than I have for months. I just have to decide which was the deciding factor.
I hope that it wasn't the champagne!

Thursday, 3 September 2009

Home alone.

Today G & I babysat O, H & S whilst James & Gina went out.
It took both of us, full time. G spent much of the morning in the garden with O, which they both enjoyed.
They left after lunch as J had a patient at 5.00pm.

We have had a quiet evening with a takeaway - prawn on puri, chicken bhuna & pashwari naan, followed by coffee & lindt chocolate rabbit.
I have a reprieve - school doesn't start until the training day on Monday. The Friday training day is disaggregated (work at home/scam)
This was not on the web-page.
Thank you God!
I'm going to have a nice soak in the bath, possibly, with my latest pet tortoise.

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Pink rabbits.

Well, why not?
We have had a great day with Gina & the children, joined by P & the children for lunch & an afternoon in the garden, on the bikes & the bouncy castle.
The weather has been awful for a lot of the day; it is still raining hard now & the yard is flooded.
J will be arriving later to spend the morning here & take the family home.
We shall sleep well!
Training day on Friday - work to do & maths books to be read before then.

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

White rabbits.

Tim, having found a way of protecting his "personal space"
DDT is effective in such cases!.

DK doesn't eat chocolate........

Number 8 leaned back on this one - not spotted from the thumbnail - I'll post another later.
J is from farming stock

Oscar, awaiting a chocolate bribe.

These are the adults! (+ number 8, to make up)

Where on Earth did the last week go to?
I have now been a pensioner for a whole week &, apart from the first few moments in the morning when I change from horizontal to vertical positioning, I feel no more than thirty.
Since no-one would believe that I was thirty, I may opt for fifty for a few years.
This will also give aj a reprieve!
We have had a delightful few days with W, MK & family staying. On Thursday I had the boys whilst W & MK shopped, then went to Auntie Norah's funeral at Shustoke Church, followed by a gathering at The Plough.
There was a good turnout of locals & guiders; we shall miss her a lot.
On Friday we went to shop for Saturday's party food, which was a bit fraught at times, mainly the long time spent in Morrisons trying to buy a salmon from a geriatric trainee fishmonger who could neither grasp the concept of a whole fish or find one in the fridge.
M&S was brilliant, as usual, providing some excellent fare.
The afternoon was spent cooking - the salmon had to part company with its tail in order to fit in the oven. Granny's fish kettle could have come into it's own had a hole not appeared in the base as I scoured it prior to use, or abandonment, as it turned out.
Aj arrived just in time for dinner (no change there then!) having taken four hours to travel down from York in holiday traffic.
Peter arrived on Saturday morning, shortly after aj & I arrived home from the hairdressers, looking rather glam (us, not Peter, that is)
All of the families arrived over the next few hours, including all nine grandchildren, all but one of aj's family, all but one of G's family, & some close friends.
We had a great day & evening, G still drinking with aj's sons long after the rest of us were asleep.
W & MK flew home on Sunday morning, Tim left after lunch, aj & Peter entertained us until Monday when we let with P&A to go to Lucy & Luke's wedding at Ansty, a beautiful little 14th century church adjacent to the hall where the reception was held.
It was a delightful event, a really happy family wedding.
Today P came with Jessie & we have had a great day with the children/grandchildren.
We hope to repeat his tomorrow but I'll aim for a more inspired lunch.
T phoned this afternoon & we had a really intelligible conversation. That's a first -always fun but usually unintelligible.
I have just been on the Kingsbury School website & find that we start on Friday, not Monday, as I thought.
What a bl0w!