Sunday, 22 November 2009

Sunday & not a sermon in sight.

I have had a lazy day, playing with J & DK, writing Christmas cards & eating. It has been wet.
It being10.00pm here, W & MK have gone to bed.
W did a bike race in the forest near Cph this morning, arriving home very muddy from the neck up & mid-thighs down. J had a birthday party, I played with DK & MK did everything else.
W cooked some excellent meatballs & spaghetti for dinner & we have just watched the new Star Trek film, which W explained to us as it proceeded, not without a good deal of candour, I may add.

The last two days have been mild & bright, so MK & I have been out with the boys, J on his bike.
He goes like the wind & takes pleasure in going up steep hills - a weird trait.
Yesterday we met K & L with baby A, in the forest, then went on to T & B's for a great dinner.
This all sounds very Hansel & Gretel, but there is a lovely shop which sells Christmas foods & decorations, alongside a coffee & cake/pancake shop.
It's not far into the forest, but there are nice walks & a lake.

G tells me that it is very wet at home.
He didn't say a great deal more as he was at P & A's, watching TV & Jordan was featuring, largely.
What do men see in that woman????

I hope to go for another run in the morning, to keep in training for chasing J around the house.
I'm not sure that everyone appreciates this as much as J!

Many congratulations to J for the swimming - inherited her Mum's talents?


William said...

J would have understood more of that film than you and I still can't believe that MK hadn't even heard of star trek!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Buy-word as a lot of the preaching is about the prices in M & S,in which she has great faith and shares as well.
Never heard of Star Trek in Denmark ?
Obviously, "It's life Jim, but not as we know it."

Anonymous said...

Too true.
Forget Star Trek, they don't even have M&S!
Faith in M&S is relative & shareholding is miniscule.