Thursday, 20 March 2014

Beer and bingo!

A "budget for the pensioners", apparently.
Those who play bingo, drink beer and have an annuity to splash out on a world cruise, rather than invest to provide an income for later years, anyway - no doubt the bingo halls, pubs and travel agents will be packed out today!
I shall avoid them, until the rush is over, anyway - P&O have some amazing last minute deals on "Ventura", sailing next week, so you could perhaps combine all three pleasures - sailing the high seas whilst playing bingo and drinking beer.
Imagine, a ship full of pensioners!

Anticipating an upturn in my finances yesterday, Peter, the decorator came to plan the decorating of the remainder of the house, just the wallpaper for the remaining two bedrooms to choose now.

I played tennis in the morning and had planned to mow the lawns, but, as is said, "the road to hell is paved with unmown lawns"!
I did get up at 6.00am, finish, press and hang the one bedroom curtain, then cut the second to size, from the old dining room curtains, made from silk that we brought back from Thailand some years ago, and then had made up, by a lady in Tamworth.
I finished the second one and hung it last night - they look wonderful - I'm delighted.
I brushed up my "Word" skills and printed some headings and notes ready to do the noticeboard in church, today - excellent timing as the mum of a bride marrying there in April phoned, wanting access to plan the wedding flowers, so we are meeting there at lunchtime.
I "did a Mary Berry", making a large batch of butterfly cakes (decoration, not content!), for friends, then visited M&M and Jan.
The remainder are ready to take to Phil this morning - I did eat one, just to check..............
Apart from that, I went to the Lent course, at the Meths, then came home for a late dinner, the last recorded episode of "Morse" whilst hand sewing the curtain.

Today, shall I go to the gym?
It's much too windy for gardening?



William said...

that's a long space at the end of the post. Was it thinking time.

Gill said...

I only just saw it - I was drinking tea in bed so perhaps rested my cup on the keyboard.
I'll possibly have beer in bed in future!
Off to shop for Sunday, having power napped.