Monday, 10 March 2014

Sun bathing.

A glorious day despite the forecast of cloud.
Bed stripped and in the wash before I went to the gym just after 8.00am.
Finished with a swim and relax in the Jacuzzi.
Is there any set etiquette for dealing with those who stand in the middle of the pool, chatting, whilst swimmers manoeuvre around them?

Tennis was off  - not enough of us  - so I came home, hung the washing out and did another load, answered e mails and organised things:
Fund raising Sunday Lunch here on 23 March.
Visit to the Sikh Temple on Soho Rd.
Flower arranging Workshop day on 12 April.
Liaison with Shustoke Wedding Barns, re open, decorated church over Easter weekend.

Those who have soon my floral displays may think that one of these will be wasted on me but, it's never too late to make a start.

A couple of friends dropped by for a chat and then it was time to leave to collect J and Th from school.
I parked at P and A's to get maximum exercise - a mile and a half  in total, added to by playing football with Th after tea - I did win, 60  - 50, an indication of the length of the game.
P and A went to J's parents' evening - brilliant report, as usual.
Well done J.
Home by 7.00pm to get the rest of the washing in, put Chick to bed, do the ironing and make my bed up - smells of the garden and fresh air.
I can't wait to get to bed.

The gym or tennis tomorrow followed by coffee at Ventura Park with Karen.
Bell ringing at 8.00pm, which should be a challenge as I've not been for 6 weeks, due to holiday and illness (AJ's) and babysitting.
It's all go!

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