Wednesday, 26 March 2014

A rainy day in Bicester.

I came to Bicester on Monday afternoon to share in B's birthday celebrations - a James Bond themed weekend culminating in a sparkling bomb cake on Monday. - they certainly know how to do birthdays!
I had intended to go to Oxford yesterday, to an exhibition of Impressionist paintings from USA, travelling by bus, which stops opposite the Ashmolean, almost.
Yesterday was a cold, very wet day, so I opted for day time TV, a little ironing, to relieve the guilt, and a walk in town in the afternoon when the rain was less fierce.
T, KP and I shared tea, then set about the round of Cubs and gymnastics - why has the name expanded recently, it was always "gym"?
B and I went foe a "curry" in the restaurant in the square, which was excellent, then a pub crawl and back to bed - unaccustomed to the alcohol.
School runs then home today - may manage Oxford inbetween - there's always another day!

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