Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Cashmere or baths?

Yesterday we played tennis in the sunshine, having shed the fleeces and gloves that have been necessary, at least for the first half hour, for quite a while.
It was great.
I came home and had two cappuccinos to celebrate, before changing to go to Solihull for a brief potter around the shops, before collecting J and Th from school.
I did the school pick ups on foot - walked to J's school then on to Th's then home, a good mile and a half in total, the first mile at high speed!
I spent over an hour in the garden at P& A's, raking up the debris - much of it from the large willow tree that overhangs a quarter of the lawn - joining in football with Th, at the same time, whilst J was
on the computer. 
I popped into JS on the way home, bought a couple of herbs for the garden - much cheaper than the garden centre - home by 7.45pm, tired.
After dinner, too tired to even pick up the computer, so had an early night.

Today Severn Trent are fitting a water meter, which should halve my water costs, which will keep me in silk and cashmere - far more satisfying.
I've just done a final load of pre-meter washing and am considering washing the conservatory roof, rather than going to the gym - 5 minutes to decide!


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