Thursday, 20 September 2007

Another "break" today.

Why penguins have short lives!

Here it is - no change here.

This is it - a rhapsody of speed & style!

Where is "the Man?"

No invitation, yet.

With a nice Yorkshire Tea biscuit.

A second day at Kingsbury school, elevenses at 10.55 am, after lesson 2 - a nice cup of decaf tea. The good news is that R92BAW spent the day at Kingsbury garage & came home with an MOT.
I went to M&S, Ventura Park, for a cup of coffee with friends, after school.
I haven't seen any desirable cars, been to the NEC, taken any photos or been invited to Buckingham Palace today. Sorry.
I'll look for some entertaining images to make up for this.

Good news. Yorkshire Tea now make cakes & biscuits.
I'll export some to Denmark in November.
I may take some to Bicester & Solihull at the weekend.
I think that the young men in the family do not get sufficient biscuits!
I may write a poem about biscuits.

I'm having trouble posting pictures today - I don't think that I've forgotten to do anything.
My blog instructions are in german, although it says it's english.
I don't think that these two facts are connected in any way.


William said...

I still can't believe you bought such a boring car

Anonymous said...

bbc morning news - 'Most families live too far apart to see one another properly.'Is this due to distence or poor eyesight ?

Anonymous said...

They should be given binoculars on the NHS, paid for out of the taxes paid by hard-working people who get up early to have family breakfasts & give up their week-ends to visit far-flung elderly relatives.

William said...

Is this more or less relevant than the penguin picture?

Anonymous said...

This is the entertaining picture that I promised, hence it is very relevant (especially to the comment above it).