Sunday, 1 December 2013

A new beginning?

Relaxing by the fire after a hectic weekend - had to fill the log basket first, in the dark - bad planning!
A lovely evening with J and Th on Friday and a lie in until 8.00am.
Such a lovely, bright morning that we walked to the playground for a scamp around, taking in the village shop on the way, to buy eggs for the Christmas cakes for church - too tall an order for just two chickens to cope with!
We were cake making when P arrived, so I had to finish them off - turned out well.
I chased up the remainder of my Xmas tree sponsors then visited the Wedding Venue to explain that they had been overlooked, but needed a tree as all of the local hostelries were represented - I was well supported by the staff, many of whom I had taught.
A cup of tea with Jan and Chris then home to put my sermon on paper - that went well as well, just needed a little tweeking first thing this morning.

Day spent largely in one church or another - Communion at Sh, then on to take the service at NW, home to make scones then back to Sh to test the Xmas tree lights whilst K, M and Steve erected the trees - ten down, 16 to go.
They are beautiful trees, from Denmark, for some reason - the church looks and smells like a forest.
Fairy lustre to be added by the decorators later in the week.
I shall pop in tomorrow, but unable to do much until all of the trees are up, then busy manning the church for the decorators - cold up there.
I'm hoping to have a lazy few hours shopping - bells to decorate the Bellringers' tree, marzipan for the cakes......
Peter the Painter arrives at 8.30am - I 've almost cleared the dining room, carried family silver, etc into the lounge, most movable furniture upstairs and lived to tell the tale!
K will get the plastering done when it's stripped - it'll all work out, I'm sure.

Most exciting purchase of last week - a pair of Gabor, knee-length leather boots with heels - my first long boots since I was 19, to go with my maxi coat.
I need updating!
Any further suggestions?

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