Thursday, 5 September 2013

At home.

It was a cold morning - minus two degrees at 6.00am when I released the chickens, followed by a lovely sunny summer's day. Unfortunately, I had Sunday's services to prepare, so had to settle for working in the conservatory, in shorts, with the doors open for much of the day.
I sorted the family service - Paul's letter to Philemon (Phil) about his slave Onisimus (Os) to get him off the hook for possible theft & absconding.
Os may be the Onisimus who ended up as Bishop of Ephesus, which would explain why this very short, personal letter ended up in the New Testament.
I have the sermon to complete as I was side tracked, phoning all of the church cleaners to remind them that we are doing a "spring clean" on Saturday.
I'll provide the coffee & cakes.
I updated the Mid Advent Christmas Tree Festival paperwork, saved the changes, then lost the changes.
Where are they?
We have a barn Dance planned for 26 Oct & Charles Hanson doing a Valuation Lunch on 28 Oct - advertising to be done.

It was well after 5.00pm before I finished & got into the garden.
W & B were pulling my leg at the weekend about hoeing.
I didn't like to let them down, so hoed & tidied all of the borders , trimmed the edges & started to remove the long grass around a group of trees - still plenty more to do but the little mower may work once the long dead grass has gone, if only I can start it.
I watered with the annoying hose pipe that comes off the tap in full flow, got the washing in & then it was dark by 8.15pm - I am always surprised at how quickly the "nights draw in2 as summer comes to an end.

Lots on tomorrow - coffee with Phil in his new home, a visit to Knowle Auction house, an appointment at the bank & J & Th to pick up from school..
I need to take Phil a cake, so had better get up early, bake & iron, before I go out.

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