Thursday, 26 September 2013

A nice day out.

A uter at all yesterday - how did I manage - I guess that I had a lot more time to do other things as once logged on the time seems to fly.
Technology is getting it's own back on me today by my btinternet account not recognising my password.
I've just give in & try again this evening.
Why would it do that?

Yesterday I was up very early to make cakes, then played tennis for a couple of hours, home to shower, fill the cakes - jam & buttercream Victoria sandwiches - take one to friends who need something nice & then on to MG & Bicester, laden with apples & damsons.
I did put the bags in a large bucket, to prevent spillage, which worked as far as MG!
I picked up T & KP from school & they helped to retrieve their damsons from every quarter of the boot.  
Life never goes quite according to plan, so I am finding.

We collected a  KP sweatshirt from a shop, dined on sausages, apples & sponge cake before KP was collected, T & I went for a lounge in Pret a Manger pure decadence!

I've done the school run & planned a day, involving a tootle around Bicester before the journey home - a meeting tonight if we have a quorum  - I can't find out until I can access my e mails!
A bit of a vicious circle!

I'm reading a wierd book about a strange guy in New Orleans, written in the 60's by a wierd guy in New Orleans, who committed suicide when he couldn't find a publisher; his mother found a publisher, posthumously!
The blurb says that it's ....."nothing less than a grand comic fugue".
Perhaps I misunderstood the word "fugue" - "A Confederacy of Dunces" - I'm unconvinced by the first three chapters

I'm sitting on the seat under T's bunk - it's backbreaking!

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