Sunday, 29 September 2013


A fantastic "Point of View" by A L Kennedy on radio 4 this morning, on "love".
So, who is A L Kennedy anyway?
A deep female voice, or it could have been male??

A busy couple of days, B here on Friday, which was brilliant - loads of little niggling jobs/problems just swept away - small mower going (cable snagged by casing), clocks put right, furniture moved ready for the decorator, even a cappuccino in Pret, with a brownie.
I shopped on the way home, after picking up J & Th from school, tea, etc, as M&S have thoughtfully opened a new food shop at Monkspath, which can be on my way home - brilliant.
It even has a café, if I need a break after the shopping.
I was up ridiculously early yesterday - sometimes you just have to admit that you're not going to get back to sleep & activity may be a better option than lying awake, pondering - I cleared the remainder of things out of the bedroom, so now only the lounge to clear - furniture to the middle & move the ornaments, panelling to shoulder height, so no long pieces of wallpaper to manoeuvre!
Photos to take down in the hall & top off the grandfather clock, I guess - this evening as the family are coming to lunch.

I had friends to dinner last night - 7.00pm, by request as PT has jet lag, but they arrived at 7.30pm!
The salmon was a little overcooked, but the Eton mess with blackberries & gin, marbled with damson puree, was well received - I'd looked up damson recipes to accompany the fruit, given to folk, as there are better things than jam!
This year they are particularly good - large & sweet & an enormous crop.

I shall make a quick visit to church to take some notices, then leave shortly afterwards as the chicken needs to go on at 10.45am & no timer on the cooker - I'm not taking the service, so it won't be very obvious!


Thursday, 26 September 2013

A nice day out.

A uter at all yesterday - how did I manage - I guess that I had a lot more time to do other things as once logged on the time seems to fly.
Technology is getting it's own back on me today by my btinternet account not recognising my password.
I've just give in & try again this evening.
Why would it do that?

Yesterday I was up very early to make cakes, then played tennis for a couple of hours, home to shower, fill the cakes - jam & buttercream Victoria sandwiches - take one to friends who need something nice & then on to MG & Bicester, laden with apples & damsons.
I did put the bags in a large bucket, to prevent spillage, which worked as far as MG!
I picked up T & KP from school & they helped to retrieve their damsons from every quarter of the boot.  
Life never goes quite according to plan, so I am finding.

We collected a  KP sweatshirt from a shop, dined on sausages, apples & sponge cake before KP was collected, T & I went for a lounge in Pret a Manger pure decadence!

I've done the school run & planned a day, involving a tootle around Bicester before the journey home - a meeting tonight if we have a quorum  - I can't find out until I can access my e mails!
A bit of a vicious circle!

I'm reading a wierd book about a strange guy in New Orleans, written in the 60's by a wierd guy in New Orleans, who committed suicide when he couldn't find a publisher; his mother found a publisher, posthumously!
The blurb says that it's ....."nothing less than a grand comic fugue".
Perhaps I misunderstood the word "fugue" - "A Confederacy of Dunces" - I'm unconvinced by the first three chapters

I'm sitting on the seat under T's bunk - it's backbreaking!

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Phew, again.

I've achieved a lot today without seeming to have been busy.
I had a soak in the bath - bad planning really as I was going in the garden, then free until 8.00pm for bell ringing at church.
getting there is a slow process today as some thieving, thoughtless morons stole the electricity cable from along the main road so workmen have been there all day - long distance, slow traffic lights - they were still working when I came home at 9.30pm.

I picked the apples & a bucket full of damsons - these are large, sweet & delicious, obviously liked the weather.
The branches of the damson trees are so heavily laden that they are hanging down to the ground  - a bit dodgy to mow under as they attack you as you go under them & fall down your back/get squashed on the mower seat.
I've downloaded recipes, which I will deliver to the offspring, along with a big bag of damsons. Damson & blackberry mess with gin sounds good - I'll try it on Saturday as I have some "gourmet" guests for dinner.

I had a cappuccino & a good natter with Jan, made scones 7 took some to Muriel in OW.
She is 90 & comes "home" for a couple of weeks every so often - she is amazingly with it & loves laughing about the things we got up to in church in the past.

I came home to garden - the rockery, lawn edges & most of the border at the top of the garden, at long last.
I had a tidy up, cleaned out the chickens (pooh) & then had a shower & a sandwich before bell ringing.
All good fun & keeps me fit - I need to have a bonfire  - not sure where the smoke goes when there's no wind.

I listened to Ed's speech - not all of it as I didn't have a vomit bowl to hand!

Monday, 23 September 2013

I played three sets of tennis this morning, despite drizzly weather when we started, it did dry up as time went on & we did enjoy it - I won all of my sets, despite shortcomings, having not played for a couple of weeks.
We always feel good for the fresh air & exercise.
I had an hour before needing to go to Solihull to collect j & Th from school - I think I may have spent this time eating!
Why is it that some days you don't care about food & other days you feel hungry all the time?
I had a slice of rye bread & salmon mousse - I fetched a handful of tomatoes & found I'd eaten them all before I got to my plate.

I made up for the gluttony by parking at P & A's & jogging most of the way to J's school, then speed walking to Th's school - J walks really fast as well.
We chatted, had tea then watched "Pointless", to see if we could answer the questions - we did get a few.
I came home , had a few minutes to close curtains & put the chickens to bed, before dashing out to collect Jan, & so to salsaexercise - one & a half hours of exercise, ending with salsa dancing.
great exercise - I'm not good at the dancing bit, but it's all great fun - we spend a lot of the time laughing, especially when doing the cross-over feet bit, combined with a turn!
A day off tomorrow - lots of jobs to do, outside. 

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Indian summer.

It was mentioned a couple of weeks ago, but the weather had turned so cold & wet it seemed highly unlikely, but it's arrived!
Yesterday was a beautiful day with the promise of even warmer weather to come.
The day didn't go according to plan, apart from dressing in gardening clothes - it was much later than intended - payback for staying up until the early hours.
I went to Coles hill for petrol for the mower, to take a coat to the cleaners & buy parsnips for dinner.
I forgot the coat!
then for the little mower - I tried, Steve tried, but it would have none of it!
Rob came round later with a big bag of beautiful cherry tomatoes - absolutely delicious - he tried.
Anyone have any ideas for a failing little mountfield motor mower?
I accepted that I would have to brave the hedges on the ride-on - mow close to the trees & hedges, which aggravates swarms of flying insects & requires a seating position never intended  - rather like a motor cycle racer on a sharp bend - thrown to one side, away from the spiky bits & thorns.
I put the chicken in the oven then dashed back out to finish the job - looks good this morning.
The lawns, like the chickens, know that I love them & are responding well - 2 eggs a day & vibrant lawns for them to play on!

Preparing dinner (& myself) was a rush, but went well - brill roast potatoes, parsnips & carrots & a bottle of pink champagne arrived, which complimented it all beautifully.

Another day in the garden today, after church, & a friend's dog to walk this afternoon.
Perhaps I'll have time to make cakes for church if I get going now.   

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Interest from Bangkok?

Strange but true facts number 1947 - a new follower joined my blog yesterday - in Thailand!
Perhaps I'll get comments from the other side of the world.
(This is actually Friday's blog - the clock has ventured past midnight - I thought I was tired)

I've had a successful day - I picked a large bowl of big, shiny blackberries this morning, ready for tomorrow's dinner party - stewed with crème caramel & Cornish ice cream, to suit all diets - following roast chicken with chipolatas, French beans, cauliflower cheese, roast potatoes & root vegetables.
Makes me hungry thinking about it.
I have smoked salmon for a starter - I think I'll make mousse as I have dill, lemon & Philadelphia cheese.

I went to Knowle then Solihull this afternoon, bought a few interesting things, some lovely food at M&S & a heap of cleaning materials, toilet & kitchen roll, in order to get a voucher for 7p/litre off fuel, at JS.
A Waitrose store is planned for Solihull (another for Knowle, if it is viable to have two).
I hope it's not too long in coming, opening whilst I enjoy food shopping.

I realised at about 4.00pm that I'd not eaten all day, so went to Pret for coffee - brill as ever, then attacked food shopping on a less than empty stomach.

Lawns to mow tomorrow - up early, old clothes & a struggle with the little mower to get it started to mow under the hedges, possibly for the last time this year. 

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Wedgewood or Royal Worcester?

Jan & I have had a great day out, visiting a variety of potteries in The Potteries/Stoke, Hanley & possibly Burslem.
Apart from enjoying handling the beautiful china & glassware, we enjoyed travelling around the area  - a lesson in social history - there was so much industrial dereliction, cleared sites where potteries once stood & empty commercial premises.
On a brighter note, there were signs of regeneration, but a long way to go.
Portmerion  - our first port of call - has taken over Spode & Royal Worcester.
The signposts to Spode" are still in place 3 years after the take-over, guiding you to locked gates.
We went on to Burleigh, which makes very Victorian looking pottery.
It has taken over Leeds ware & Poole pottery, which is now made there, not in Poole.
The first crates of Poole items had just arrived but they had no prices, so dould not yet sell any
Moorcroft - beautiful pottery involving many hours of exacting decoration, all done by hand, hence the hefty price tags.
We crossed the road to Dun.... - cheap & not very nice, typical supermarket goods, then on to Wedgewood, which includes Royal Doulton, Royal Stuart, Waterford & possibly more.

I think that the Wedgewood won my vote overall - beautiful, delicate patterns in subtle colours with a clear, shiny glaze.
My favourite piece was  a pair of white candlesticks shaped like the dolphins on the Embankment - amazing.
Wedgewood also won on the café front - great coffee & home made cakes served on lovely china all at very good prices.

We were home by 6.00pm, I seem to have been on the phone & answering e mails ever since, apart from eating mackerel & salad for dinner.
Question Time is on  - great team, apart from Anthony Worrall Thompson - not in gaol then? 
I'll phone aj in a while, to wake her up to watch the end of the programme - a weekly ritual!

Thanks for the comments - I thought that there was no-one out there!

The Great Shustoke Bake Off.

.I make a pretty good banana cake - today I put walnuts, peel & a little mixed spice in it, then iced it with Philadelphia cream cheese with icing sugar then decorated with walnuts.
I've just put half in the freezer as it was the cake promised for this evening's discussion group - the attendance was low & I don't want to be tempted to eat  another slice.
I've eaten very healthily - salad, fruit, fish & rye bread - for a couple of days - & feel really good, physically & mentally.
I'm sure that W is right about the Paleo diet but I do like bread & fruit - all things in moderation!

I made a cake for Phil, an old friend, at the same time & spent an hour chatting, having woken him up.
I've cleaned & polished downstairs, prior to replacing the frogs that had been borrowed to spend a weekend in NW church as part of "the plague of frogs" flower display, cascading from the font.
A nice, relaxed day despite being busy - I should aim for more.

The log basket has disappeared - perhaps it's deserted for the sea-side!
It's a plastic bendy, large bucket thing really - much better than a basket as the bits stay in.
Whoever thought that a basket was a good way to transport logs anyway?
I must get a new one to put some logs in the lounge in readiness - someone reported that snow s forecast for next week.
I guess that they misheard, are hard of hearing or demented, still, better safe..........
A warm weekend is forecast so I hope to mow the lawns........before the snow comes.

Re the Lib Dems, could you really vote for a party that plans to swing to the right or the Left, whichever is in front?
Do we really need to feed all children in years 1 - 3 in school?
There must be many more people who could benefit from a well-balanced meal being provided daily.
Shall we feed the whole nation?
Surely feeding  children is the parents' responsibility.   

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

8 degrees & counting.

Today has been cold, wet & windy.
To be honest, it only rained after I had put the washing out & walked round to see Jan, without a coat.
I borrowed an umbrella to walk/run home, then went to NW church to collect my "Jesus in the Wilderness" display - it packed up quite well, with only a minor sand spillage.
I came home, replaced the stones in the garden & put the rest of the bits away.
I'd borrowed some stone ewers from Sh church which I shall return tonight, when I go bell ringing.
I'm eating very healthily today to make up for  a weekend of indulgence - fruit, salads, fish & more fruit.
I'll go to bed early before I think about supper.

I drove back from Bicester yesterday, via Kenilworth, to visit Waitrose - cardholders can download a voucher to get £5 off a £20 shop as well as getting a free daily paper if you spend £5, any day of the week & the food is wonderful, even better than M&S.

I picked J & Th up from their schools, cooked tea 7 played.
I stopped to buy paint for the conservatory, at B & Q, then had to buy paint for the other rooms as it was 3 for 2 on cans of paint - that took longer & I got home just in time to go back to Coleshill for the salsaexercise class.
A laugh a minute, as usual - my salsa is about as poor as my bellringing, but the exercises are good.

The rain's stopped & it should be warmer for the rest of the week - perhaps a day in the garden.

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Happy Birthday Jessie.

It's been a fun day - up early with T & KP, eggs for breakfast, followed by a quick baking session to make some rather superior rock cakes, with large Califorian raisins, peel & glace cherries, to take to Sh, to enjoy with the coffee after the service.
We intended to arrive at the end of the service as it was communion & I didn't want to hear T reciting the communion service every time he ate or drank for the rest of the day/ it's a longer, not child-friendly service.
We were going to NW to the morning service at 11.00am so that we could try to name the flower displays, during the wordy bits!
Unfortunately, it was too late to get to Sh by the time the cakes were done & we were packed up, so they are in Bicester instead - better luck next week!
We went on from church to solihull to meet J & family for a brilliant birthday lunch at Coast to Coast.
Highly recommended - kids all loved it, as did the grandparents.
We came back to Bicester afterwards - KP asleep all the way - peace!!
Now fed & in bed - T & KP, not me, yet.

I've eaten 5,000,000 Calories in the last two days - must do better!

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Busy, busy.

That's been my day - up early to clean downstairs as I realised that I'd done no housework for two weeks, since our birthday party/ since B was last here.
He was coming over with T & KP this afternoon.
I took out all of the dead birthday flowers, took down the cards, cleaned the window cells to clear away the dead flies & vacuumed through downstairs - a great improvement
I took the child seats out of the car & dropped the back seats before loading the boxes of bric \ brac - a good walk from the "factory" with each box.
I packed the bits needed to complete "JC in The Wilderness" & was at NW church by 9.40am.
I gave JC a new blue sky & large luminous sun the blew away the fingerprints in the sand - Junior Church there last night to do their display.
The church looked fantastic.
My display was the only one totally devoid of flowers & child friendly/interactive!

I carried all of the boxes a mile across the church yard & set up the stall - Jan arrived & helped from thereon in.
I packed up about 4.00pm, having taken about £45 - not too bad considering the number there & the goods available.
B, T & KP had just arrived when I gor home, bearing an M&S Indian meal to cook.
It was scrummy - better than a takeaway.

All peaceful - T 7 KP were tired, having had a busy day, as well as me.
Church tomorrow at NW so we can Bible Story spot during the sermon                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Nothing but sand!

Well I didn't get the early start.
I tailored a gown for Jesus then found that wooden models do little to help you to dress them, so had to start again - a new design which I could sew him into.
I collected pebbles/stones from the garden & washed them, collected other bits & pieces then went to church with these & a low butler's tray.
My site was under the lectern - full frontal - not very forgiving.
I got my head around the situation then came home to get the stuff I did need.
I ended up with a pretty reasonable wilderness with undulating sand & rocks, JC off centre, blue background with luminous sun, all lit by a halogen bulb.
I put gold glittery glue on his headdress as a halo - looked like bird-droppings!
I have to complete the sky & stick his hands together - he will pray!
Sand coloured towels draped down the front with a  succulent & earthenware pots, finish it off.
Not a flower in sight!
The other displays have masses of flowers & are wonderful - The Last Supper, above the altar, Joseph, The plague of Frogs, The nativity..........
Do drop in if you are near nether Whitacre over the weekend.
I shall be there selling bric a brac on a stall in the churchyard from 11.00 - 5.00pm, with Jan.
I have yet to collect & load it into the car as it was cold & raining when I got home from collecting J & Th from school  I was tired & hungry.
Must be up early tomorrow - hope I'm more successful than yesterday. 

Thursday, 12 September 2013


Not heat.
I arrived home from Bicester yesterday evening to find a note on the door from Tom, asking if I'd like to go down to visit JR in Cambs today, as he had a collection to make in that direction.
At the end of July I went down to Colchester & on to JR's with Andy & Tom to collect G's triumph from JR's barn, in place of G, who had forgotten that he had made the arrangement, & was in Bournemouth. - we had a great day & I offered my services for future trips.
This was the follow up.
I cleared the diary - I had intended to go to NW church to do my arrangement for this weekend's Flower Festival - found Tom's phone number, after 3 calls, & accepted the offer.
Tom was good company & we talked for the 4 hours non stop
JR looked well & was lucid this morning - Brian, the gardener & Sarky, his carer were there.
This afternoon was surreal as he could remember nothing - his clothes, shoes, home ("not mine") or people for quite a while.
I had invited his friend Mary for tea, she came bearing freshly baked rock cakes & JR enjoyed hearing us chatting.
Home by 6.00pm, time for a nice cup of tea before going to Jan's to put together the ads for our forthcoming church events - barn Dance, Valuation Lunch, with Charles Hanson, Entrepreneurs' Sale & Christmas Tree Festival.

Tomorrow I have to do my display for the Flower festival - Bible Stories, before collecting J & Th from school in Solihull.
I'm doing "Jesus in the Wilderness" - a tray of sand with cactus, breadcrumbs/fruit, pebbles & JC with stone, marking off the days, brightly lit with a halogen bulb.
I'm not good at flowers!
I have yet to find the pebbles in the garden, dress the small artists model to transform him into JC
& organise the lamp - I'll need to be up early! 

Monday, 9 September 2013

America's Cup.

I know nothing about it, but it's on the TV, following the news at lunchtime & looks amazing - enormous catamarans literally flying, with men in black scurrying all over them.
You can't afford one W.

No tennis today as it was raining.
I was in Coleshill so shopped for milk & maltesers, which somehow took over an hour, & came home, cooked & ate my dinner - stir fry with steak & a mountain of vegetables, because I was hungry & have a PCC meeting tonight at church.
I'll make some biscuits  do coffee, to make it a little more pleasant/civilised - I have to make a malteser cake for T & KP anyway, then I'll go in the garden, including mucking out the chickens - I promised Jan as she thinks that they smell.
They always smell.
They're chickens.

No blog yesterday - too tired after taking Family Service, which is always demanding, then morning Prayer then to Cornfields for lunch, with some friends/neighbours.
Back in time for a cup of tea with Jan & Chris before going back to church to take Evening prayer.
I have to admit to standing at the altar delighting at the cleanliness of the place.  
I'm sure that there were still some large spiders joining us for worship!

Saturday, 7 September 2013


I've cooked for myself tonight - the first time for months - fillet steak stir fry with a bucket load of vegetables.
This was the conclusion to a tiring day, spring cleaning the church, not exactly from top to bottom, as it's impossible to reach the top of anything, but we did clean all of the windows.
It's a great improvement, & displaced more than a few giant spiders.
The men strimmed the churchyard & I provided the cakes to keep up morale.
I went on to Morrisons when I finished at tea time, hence the fillet steak.
Olwen came round to borrow cake tins to bake for a show tomorrow -  we chatted for far too long, hence I still have a bit of work to do on my sermon - Family Service done & dusted - Paul's letter to Philemon -  the shortest of his letters, written about his runaway slave, Onesimus - Phil & Os for family Service.
All good fun, I hope, followed by pop & cakes.

Friday, 6 September 2013

The rains have come.

At shortly after 6.00am.
 It was dry when I came down this morning, shortly afterwards the rain started hammering on the conservatory roof , by 6.30am there were puddles on the yard & I needed to wear my wellies to release the chickens.
It has rained on & off all day, which is brilliant because:
1. the garden was amazingly dry & the plants suffering.
2. the chickens had taken to dust bathing on the borders
3. I have needed to water the garden every evening for weeks - at least this has been good  for my right arm as I've pumped the water from the well most nights & used a watering can.

I was up early this morning to make some cakes - iced fairy cakes with M&Ms & rock cakes - to take some to Phil, the rest for those coming to clean the church tomorrow.
I visited Phil in his new home, which is great, & chatted for over an hour, then went on to Solihull for an appointment at the bank.
Later I had coffee at M&S, courtesy of aj's vouchers, before going on to collect Jessie & Thomas from school & make the tea..
Home by 7.00pm having bought only pens for church & nothing from the list.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

At home.

It was a cold morning - minus two degrees at 6.00am when I released the chickens, followed by a lovely sunny summer's day. Unfortunately, I had Sunday's services to prepare, so had to settle for working in the conservatory, in shorts, with the doors open for much of the day.
I sorted the family service - Paul's letter to Philemon (Phil) about his slave Onisimus (Os) to get him off the hook for possible theft & absconding.
Os may be the Onisimus who ended up as Bishop of Ephesus, which would explain why this very short, personal letter ended up in the New Testament.
I have the sermon to complete as I was side tracked, phoning all of the church cleaners to remind them that we are doing a "spring clean" on Saturday.
I'll provide the coffee & cakes.
I updated the Mid Advent Christmas Tree Festival paperwork, saved the changes, then lost the changes.
Where are they?
We have a barn Dance planned for 26 Oct & Charles Hanson doing a Valuation Lunch on 28 Oct - advertising to be done.

It was well after 5.00pm before I finished & got into the garden.
W & B were pulling my leg at the weekend about hoeing.
I didn't like to let them down, so hoed & tidied all of the borders , trimmed the edges & started to remove the long grass around a group of trees - still plenty more to do but the little mower may work once the long dead grass has gone, if only I can start it.
I watered with the annoying hose pipe that comes off the tap in full flow, got the washing in & then it was dark by 8.15pm - I am always surprised at how quickly the "nights draw in2 as summer comes to an end.

Lots on tomorrow - coffee with Phil in his new home, a visit to Knowle Auction house, an appointment at the bank & J & Th to pick up from school..
I need to take Phil a cake, so had better get up early, bake & iron, before I go out.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Back to school.

T & KP both looked brilliant this morning in their new uniforms - shirts tucked in & KP in a skirt!
They were pleased to see their friends & looking forward to the day.....& lunch!
Aj & I had  coffee then pottered around Bicester, then on to Kenilworth en route home.
We had a snack in the Kingsway café - a café run by Christian volunteers for the local community, had a potter around the shops & then on to Kingsbury for Aj to collect her car & get off to York .....two days late!
I came home, had a nice cup of tea & had a sleep until tea time.
I've caught up on e mails & watched Doc Martin on TV - the wedding.
I have to make the bed up - I wish I'd remembered sooner!

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Hot hot hot!

That's aj's car - she left for home yesterday afternoon & reached the M42 before the radiator sprang a terminal leak & warning lights flashed.
she made it back to Kingsbury Garage, where I picked her up at tea time.
Consequently, we are both in Bicester, having had a good day in Oxford with T & KP - the last day of their school holiday.
We travelled on the upper deck of a double decker bus, visited the Ashmolean, had a McD Happy Meal (of course)  & pottered around the back streets, looking at colleges & beautiful buildings, before the return journey.
We are all pretty tired as it has been a warm, close day & we've walked a fair distance.

The birthday lunch on Sunday went well - the greandchildren all played together brilliantly after being car parking attendants in the field, all wearing hi vis jackets.
It was great to see all of the "sons" & partners/wives together - only three of the eight offspring absent.
Not bad considering the pressure on time in the summer months.
We had a final evening with W, Mk & family before they left for the airport after lunch on Monday.

Life will return to what is now "normal", by Thursday - at least the lawns haven't grown, in fact they look pretty good. much to the surprise of a few friends.

Three services to prepare for Sunday & cakes to make.