Yesterday I was woken before 8.00am by a phone call from the gas engineer, coming to service the boiler, arriving shortly - the evils of staying up until the early hours!
Presumably he did a grand job, recommended a magnetic filter (£355) to be fitted to remove sludge from the system & a CO detector in the laundry (£30)?????
Jan came for coffee & a giggle which we then shared with Marion from Plumbs - measuring the settees for loose covers & choosing fabrics.
Are loose covers comparable with recovering?
I'll have a quote for recovering before making a decision - have to be soon, before the covers fall off altogether.
A trip to the Mill for bird food - more expensive to feed the wild birds than the chickens - then no more diversions to be found, I mowed the lawns.
This was hard work as the bin filled so quickly with leaves & acorns as well as grass.
It was dark by the time a flat tyre caused me to call it a day - outside lawns not quite finished.
I'll get the tyre sorted & the mower serviced next week & finish the mowing with the little mower.
That'll be it for 2013!
A bath, a fillet steak & salad completed the day, whilst catching up with Doc Martin on TV - they've made him such a grumpy old doc with some mental imbalance this series, certainly not fit for purpose as a husband or a doctor.
Shame, he was so nice - I hope they sort him out in the next series.
Presently watching CBBs with J & Th whilst the lunch cooks - house full of bats, ghosts, ghouls ; spiders already - paper everywhere.
Pumpkins to carve after lunch!
We watched the mole tunnelling this morning, just outside the conservatory - a rare site.
Presumably he did a grand job, recommended a magnetic filter (£355) to be fitted to remove sludge from the system & a CO detector in the laundry (£30)?????
Jan came for coffee & a giggle which we then shared with Marion from Plumbs - measuring the settees for loose covers & choosing fabrics.
Are loose covers comparable with recovering?
I'll have a quote for recovering before making a decision - have to be soon, before the covers fall off altogether.
A trip to the Mill for bird food - more expensive to feed the wild birds than the chickens - then no more diversions to be found, I mowed the lawns.
This was hard work as the bin filled so quickly with leaves & acorns as well as grass.
It was dark by the time a flat tyre caused me to call it a day - outside lawns not quite finished.
I'll get the tyre sorted & the mower serviced next week & finish the mowing with the little mower.
That'll be it for 2013!
A bath, a fillet steak & salad completed the day, whilst catching up with Doc Martin on TV - they've made him such a grumpy old doc with some mental imbalance this series, certainly not fit for purpose as a husband or a doctor.
Shame, he was so nice - I hope they sort him out in the next series.
Presently watching CBBs with J & Th whilst the lunch cooks - house full of bats, ghosts, ghouls ; spiders already - paper everywhere.
Pumpkins to carve after lunch!
We watched the mole tunnelling this morning, just outside the conservatory - a rare site.
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