Saturday, 5 October 2013

Good friday.

Friday was a good day, starting in Bicester, with T coming in for a chat at 6.15am, joined shortly afterwards by KP;, ending in Solihull, watching "Father Ted", having put J & Th to bed.
T & KP had a race getting dressed which T won - tights take more time to put on than socks!
T then played his clarinet for 15 minutes  - pretty well, by my judgement - a good way to wake everyone else up!

There was a charming Key Stage 2 Harvest assembly, with great singing, poems & presentations.
I visited Bicester Village & tried on a few dresses in Hobbs - they didn't do anything for me, so I settled for coffee & a sandwich at Pret, before setting off, eventually, for Solihull.
I pottered around the shops along the Stratford road for a while, in the pouring rain - too little time to go to Solihull & too early for school.
By the time we arrived home we were all pretty wet, but cheerful.
Lego is the choice of the week - T was particularly pleased with his leisure centre, especially the toilet, complete with "sitter".
After tea, time with mum & "You've been Framed" ........ bedtime .
Th was asleep within minutes, J read, briefly & I did some reading & thinking about Sunday's sermon.
I wonder how many channels you must have in order to find a programme that you want to watch, as opposed to watching the least awful.
Even "Have I got news for you" was disappointing - it has a team of scriptwriters - very obvious, on occasion.
"Father Ted" was good - stands the test of time.
Home late, lots of stuff to bring in from the car & a pile of mail I should have left until the morning.


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