Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Summer palace

The decorating's coming on a pace - my bedroom is "Summer Palace" by Laura Ashley - bedroom done, dressing room lined, painted so will be completed tomorrow - it looks brilliant - hall & landing started.
I have to find curtains to finish off the lounge & bedroom- those taken down have been up for over twenty years so are due for replacement - you only notice the faded streaks when the curtains come down.
Nearest Dunelm Mill needed for velvet curtains, to keep out the cold.
Any better ideas?

I spent far too long this morning trying to register for Royal mail shares on line, gave up  &picked blackberries & gleaned potatoes from the edges of the adjoining field whilst the grass dried out, then spent 4 hours mowing the lawns this afternoon, finishing in near darkness at 7.00pm.
Hopefully, this will be the last cut of the year so I was keen for it to be well done - apart from grass, I collected lots of leaves so it was easy to see where I'd mown, even in failing light.

I did have a second try at the Royal Mail shares later, with success!!
Have to wait & see now.

I had a much needed bath after the mowing, then off to bell ringing - not too bad this time, but slow progress, it seems.
I did manage to leave my handbag, with car key, in the ringing chamber, not realising until all was locked up - oh dear.
It was retrieved by a good Samaritan!
About time for bed - treats laid on for tomorrow - more later.

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