Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Pied piper.

These chickens follow me everywhere, to the point that I have to keep the door shut - one met me in the hall yesterday when a friend was here, to our surprise. I've just found a plop in the conservatory, so goodness knows how long the house tour took!They see me in the conservatory & fly down the lawn to sit on the sill. If only husbands could be so devoted!! Managed to play tennis, although a grey morning & should be doing something useful now, but seemed to have turned idle since lunch. It has brightened up now - I must get going - must take the hanging baskets to Dawn to be filled, visit a couple of friends then home to shower before going out to dinner at a friends. I haven't cooked a meal since Sunday lunch so no washing up even. I could get used to this. I went bellringing last night. I'm rubbish, but they all say that it takes some months to become proficient.Highlight on Friday is Charles hanson, the antiques guy, doing a valuation at Coleshill Town hall. Going with a friend. What shall I take?? Everwhere is so green, rain tonight forecast which will be good.


William said...

ramble ramble ramble stream of consciousness.

Every considered paragraphs?

Anonymous said...

It won't do paragraphs - I do write in paras, then it puts it all together.

William said...

Hmm, don't know why they dissapear.

Try leaving two lines as spaces