Monday, 17 June 2013

The first day of the rest ot my life....

A new week, full of challenges, the main one being to mow the lawns - this may be "small fry" to many of you, but there is a lot of lawn, it is pretty shaggy & the ride-on mower is a bit if a challenge.
I failed as a used - car - salesperson on Saturday - I forgot that someone was coming to see the car & played tennis all morning!
Fell at the first post!!
I had a lazy afternoon on Saturday - the polisher had "done" the panelling in the lounge, leaving it in  chaos. I came home from tennis , made a salad &sat in the midst of the chaos, TV on, doing e mails & phoning friends, when I looked at the clock it was 8 pm.
I did eventually get stuck in - cleaned it all & put it all back, apart from a bookcase that I really can't move - all done apart from vacuuming, by midnight.

Yesterday I was up early, moved/cleaned chickens & baked scones for church, scones & chocolate cake for tea, vacuumed & made church by 10.05am - OK, 5 minutes late.
I went on to NW to take the service then home to welcome B, E, T & KP for a snack lunch followed by a visit to Maxstoke Castle open Day.
I took the Lotus - accompanied by T, out, KP, home - taking the opportunity of parking opposite the car park entrance with the FOR SALE notice on the windscreen.
We enjoyed the castle - hide & seek in the gardens, then home for tea.
B sorted hi tech paraphernalia for me - the phone & the kettle -  & showed me how to use the mower.
T's dead keen to mow the lawns - a chip of the old block.

Start the Week" on Radio 4 discussed Parkinson's Law - work expanding to fit the time available.
I have always been a great believer of this  - listen if you have time!!! 
I must go to buy a postcard - after tennis, anyway !

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