Saturday, 22 June 2013

Big moon day

The moon is closer than usual & will appear to be 30% bigger tonight, so don't panic.
There was some advice re looking at it from between your legs - not sure why - sounds dodgy & accident prone!
Lawns are now all mown, with a great deal of frustration involved - the mower refused to pick up the grass, opting for clumps at 8" intervals - round & round trying to collect, then clearing out the channels - resorting to vacuuming it out at one point (not to be recommended!)
The field mowings can just lie - it is not needed for bowling this year.
I tidied the borders & removed a barrowfull of bluebells, adding scratches to the bites suffered whilst mowing under the trees/under the hedges, disturbing all biting insects.
I must look as if I have some dreadful disease - just need a sty on my eye.
I bought a new bed yesterday (as opposed to an old one, which may have been much cheaper, but not nice).
I am very proud that I made the salesman an offer on the sale price, saw the manager & got a 10% discount.
This is the way forward with my new austerity budget - will it work in M&S?
Tennis this morning - windy & cool first thing, whilst I moved the chicken run & filled the feeder, but it does look as though the is trying to shine.
Enjo y the weekend - flaming June! 


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new bed. I think it is a fabulous plan for the bedroom.
Mowing lawns are hugely overrated. The one time I tried to get our mower to work I failed 100%. They are obviously badly designed.

William said...

Yes, that handle you have to hold when using the mower to keep the engine running also needs to be held when starting it.
Collecting grass cuttings is a massive waste of time.

Gill Noble said...

I did hold the handle up & pressed the squinty thing several times, then wore myself out pulling the string, to no effect.