Sunday, 10 July 2011

Feet up & a glass of wine.

Another lovely day - B, E, T & KP for lunch & the afternoon. The kids praised my lunch effort (well brought up), ate a lot & helped to make scotch pancakes & decorate a malteser cake for tea.
They had a scamp around the garden, looked for my wedding ring with the (rather pathetic) metal detector & did some "nature" with Steve, who then joined us for tea, with Di & Chloe. KP loves Chloe, who gets very excited.
I popped to church this morning, just to give out notices about Malcolm's memorial service on 31 July & the "Coffee & Cakes" here next Saturday. I then came home to put the joint in, as it purported to require 3 hours cooking.

We had a lovely evening yesterday with Carolyn, Graham, Chris & Jan. G was on good form & J found him hilarious, honestly.
I cooked a fillet of salmon, recipe from t'internet.
I highly recommend it:
Put the fillet in a dish, I put root ginger soy sauce on it, then cook, uncovered, at 95 degrees C for 45 minutes.
Dead easy, served in the cooking dish & really moist.

I reckon that The News of the World" have been hacking my phone, hence the ever flat batteries.
I anticipate a great improvement now that it has disappeared.
No doubt it was a sell out today as people bought copies as an investment - 15 million copies tucked away for the next 20 years, yellowing, gathering dust but little else due to the other 14999999 copies in existence!

Coast is on.
Fantastic scenery & not a Formula 1 car in sight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

G as in Graham- just to make it quite clear!