Thursday, 24 September 2009

Heritage Day

Well it is in S Africa - a public holiday, instigated by President Mandela in 1996 to highlight the country's culture.
Here, it is another working day, a mere 98 days until Christmas.
I have had a good day - good lessons, bottom year 10 had all done their homework (so well that I gave out 5 praise slips - I rarely give any!) & fun with colleagues in between times.
Wendy, whom I am covering, came in after school to acclimatise, so with that & bus duty, it took me until 6.00pm to finish marking for the day.
G has been busy on the windows & has built a new frame for the garage loft door & has a new door under construction.
He'll be building us an eco-house in the garden next!
He came in & fell asleep before I'd served dinner.
He can have a rest tomorrow, chilling out with Thomas, including lunch out, no doubt.
This evening seems to be a dark period for TV,the news may be the highlight!
Perhaps I'll have a bath & phone aj.

W has a delightful photo of the boys on his blog, which makes me want to go out there asap.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps phone aj ? sounds more like a hint for me to phone you !

Anonymous said...

Might make a change to find her in, but not at midnight please despite G's habit of waking you!

Anonymous said...

Lunch in as it happens though after 1 1/2 hrs with T on the swing I'm surprised I found the energyn to cook!

Anonymous said...

She didn't phone though - a rare occurence.

Anonymous said...

He's out of energyn again - you can get it on prescription now!