We watched a documentary on Keith Floyd on Monday night. He looked awful, at least 90 & very doddery.
This was an astute assessment as he died yesterday, aged 65.
He was a great showman in his day & moved cookery programmes into a new era - outdoors & unscripted.
I am watching the 10.00pm news. Gordon Brown caught out again - 9.3% c.... planned, when he has denied planning any of the c word, repeatedly.
G is working on the window in the spare room, making a brilliant job of it.
I teach all day on Tuesdays & Wednesdays, enjoyable but tiring. I went to Ventura Park after school to collect brochures from the car dealers - VW, Toyota & Jaguar & buy car mags ready for tomorrow for year 11 to work out the costs of car ownership.
The problem with going around car showrooms is that you come away quite fancying a new car.
Jag do a pretty neat open top one & the Golfs still look good.
Keep buying the Lottery tickets, I suppose, although we really don't need another car.
DK is doing well & eating - a family trait!
I hope & pray that this may be all his little gut needs. J is on a residential!
We think twice about taking year 6 pupils away.
The family will be getting together at the weekend for Jessie's party.
Just keep T away from the switches at The Wacky Warehouse or it may never be the same again.
nor may T!!
Should convince the little s--s that nicking a car is a better bet - they will certainly have to get a good job to afford a decent motor legitimately!
Keith Floyd popped his clogs after a lunch of oysters and other delicacies, with the comment that he hadn't felt that good for ages.
They did ask where I lived.
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