Saturday, 26 July 2008


I've found the lower case key, what a relief!
I'm sitting in the conservatory, admiring the garden, having done everything possible to improve my appearance, short of spending money, awaiting the return of G, who "popped out" two hours ago, promising not to be long.
I have tickets for "Antiques for Everyone" at the NEC.
G is not interested, but I had hoped to make a brief visit, fitting it in with "The Whitacres & Shustoke Annual Show", this afternoon.

To this end, I got up at 6.00am to write a sermon for tomorrow: "The Kingdom of Heaven is like........"
My conclusion is that heaven is what you make it. I hope that this was divinely inspired.
A cabbage white butterfly has flown in to sit with me
Perhaps this is an omen.

Yesterday I had a lovely day at B&E's with T & KP.
They had just returned from holiday & T was very tired.
He opted for pic-nicking in the garden, rather than an intrepid trip to the park, & then a siesta .
KP smiled, chuckled & chattered all day until 5.00pm, when she nodded off in her buggy between the front door & the lounge, on returning from the park/playground.
T made a new friend, Sophie, at the park; KP climbed up/onto everything shoulder height or lower.
I arrived home by 9.30pm, in time to wake G up & serve him desert & coffee, before bed.

The pips! Noon & no sign of G.
I shall finish the ironing as this is the only job pending that will not cause me to get dirty or sweaty.
Enjoy the sunshine!


Anonymous said...

for more views of heaven read "The Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold" quite a good book - I may have given it to E.
It starts when a young girl dies and goes to heaven. The book is written in her, pretty imaginative, heaven.
I am sure this will be your most distant comment.
wrm Hawaii

Anonymous said...

I'm reading it at the moment, borrowed from aj or picked up in a charity shop.
Hope your'e enjoying your holiday - it may be about the same temp here at the moment, but not so blue, I imagine.

Anonymous said...

I have just read your Estonia travel plans, I will get you some tips on what to see etc as I happen to work with the President of Estonia's brother...!!I'm not sure he's able to sort a private tour of the palace though. Rah Rah Rah...

Anonymous said...

I bet he could, E.
Just try the charm, for a good cause.
Are you doing anything on Friday?

Anonymous said...

On Friday we are out for a picnic to Stowe Gardens with Tim's friend Rebecca and the rest of the 4 year olds mischief brigade.