Saturday, 21 June 2014


Today was a Lotus day - sun shining and very warm - brilliant!
Coffee at Planters Garden centre with a friend, being entertained watching standard rose bushes seemingly travelling around unaided as they were pushed on trolleys behind counters laden with flowers.
Easily entertained!
I went on to Ventura Park to M&S, by which time I needed another coffee, and JS to buy Sunday's lunch.
I stopped at Jan's on the way home and spent an hour sitting in/admiring her garden and nattering.
Not much else done as I was clean and pretty smart.
Delighted that the new chickens put themselves to bed tonight - last night only one went in, after a quarter of an hour of cajoling whilst my dinner burnt.
A good day all round, more to come and Wimbledon next week.
All I need now is some followers for my blog - I'll post some photos when I remember how.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog!!! Kath