Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Come on Andy!

Another glorious day, I'm sitting in the conservatory  watching the birds and a rogue squirrel that has realised that I've relented and filled the bird feeder with nuts again.
As it's early - up to let the chickens into the run, fill their feeder and water bowl and treat them to my date and walnut loaf - there are still long shadows across the lawn.
I'm trying to have a Paleo week, without bread as I'm going out to dinner on Saturday, and I'll have a greater choice of what to wear - I've put on half a stone since Christmas, friends all say that I look much better for it, then I see those amazing bodies at Wimbledon (women players, in the main), and realise that it looks good to be thin - not that I ever expect to look like Sharapova!

Yesterday I met Judith for coffee in Ventura Park - out of the Lotus and into the Merc 4x4, sublime to the ridiculous - to go to the local garden centre for the merc to have a shampoo and set whilst we drank coffee, then back to shop at M&S, where else!
M&S have a marvellous sale on - strictly for size 8s and 24s though.
Came home, watched tennis and did e mails and accounts.
I meant to work in the garden but I didn't get round to it - Jan came for tea and a giggle and I then spent hours analysing cousin JR's JS bills from last year to get some idea of the volume of goods that the carer was really buying for her family.
Can two people really get through 12 tins of Quality Street every month?
Perhaps they're used as currency in Haverhill.
The cat food is also something of a mystery.
At the bottom of each receipt it says:
"Based on price perception data, you can live for less than you thought at Sainsbury's"
I guess that the carer took this message to heart!

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