mowing for about four hours - the lawns look better than ever after their raking a couple of weeks ago, followed by a shorter cut today.
So inspired I trimmed the edges, tidied the rockery, and lopped a pile of branches off the oak tree to let light in to the rockery.
By the time I'd cleared up and swept the yard it was 7.30pm - in for a hot bath to get my back straight again.
a satisfying day, lots done.
BT have put me on a cheaper tariff as I don't download stuff, and I'm getting a new freeview box.
we have an excellent new local free paper - The Coleshill Post.
I've written a couple of paragraphs about forthcoming events at church and e mailed them - perhaps I'll be in print!
Visiting JR tomorrow to check on his new carers - hope it doesn't rain.
So inspired I trimmed the edges, tidied the rockery, and lopped a pile of branches off the oak tree to let light in to the rockery.
By the time I'd cleared up and swept the yard it was 7.30pm - in for a hot bath to get my back straight again.
a satisfying day, lots done.
BT have put me on a cheaper tariff as I don't download stuff, and I'm getting a new freeview box.
we have an excellent new local free paper - The Coleshill Post.
I've written a couple of paragraphs about forthcoming events at church and e mailed them - perhaps I'll be in print!
Visiting JR tomorrow to check on his new carers - hope it doesn't rain.
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