Well, they've bought some better weather with them, which is more than can be said for B on Friday - a good start to the day, then B and the deluge arrived together.
I now have two working mowers, the heating and hot water coming on and going off at sensible times, a Scottish chest removed to the garage en route to the saleroom and the furniture swapped over in the back two bedrooms (well, the bed settee swapped for the bed, which moves the study)
B is a miracle worker - obstacles swept aside and even the correct tools to hand - no knackered screw heads allowed!
I now need a desk, but no urgency as the decorator is coming to complete the changeover in a couple of weeks.
I shall enjoy the space for a while.
I baked whilst much of this went on - two each of coffee, chocolate, carrot and Victoria sponge cakes, and a parkin, ready for Open Church this weekend, then went to meet the decorators at church, clean and lay up tables for the feast.
Yesterday I was up early to make six dozen scones and open up the church for 11.00am.
They was already a couple there, who were looking for a church to attend, had a chat and a cream tea.
A small number of interesting people called in during the day - many more expected today after the morning service for all four churches.
I was more than a little taken aback yesterday evening to find a message on the answer machine telling me that there was a Baptism at 12.30pm, so church out of public use for a good hour!!!!!
The open weekend has been on the diary for six months - God moves in mysterious ways indeed.
I did pop across to The Griffin to put up posters - live music, an array of real ales and a good turnout - looked interesting.
I may go back for a sample today, between noon and 1.00pm!!
I now have two working mowers, the heating and hot water coming on and going off at sensible times, a Scottish chest removed to the garage en route to the saleroom and the furniture swapped over in the back two bedrooms (well, the bed settee swapped for the bed, which moves the study)
B is a miracle worker - obstacles swept aside and even the correct tools to hand - no knackered screw heads allowed!
I now need a desk, but no urgency as the decorator is coming to complete the changeover in a couple of weeks.
I shall enjoy the space for a while.
I baked whilst much of this went on - two each of coffee, chocolate, carrot and Victoria sponge cakes, and a parkin, ready for Open Church this weekend, then went to meet the decorators at church, clean and lay up tables for the feast.
Yesterday I was up early to make six dozen scones and open up the church for 11.00am.
They was already a couple there, who were looking for a church to attend, had a chat and a cream tea.
A small number of interesting people called in during the day - many more expected today after the morning service for all four churches.
I was more than a little taken aback yesterday evening to find a message on the answer machine telling me that there was a Baptism at 12.30pm, so church out of public use for a good hour!!!!!
The open weekend has been on the diary for six months - God moves in mysterious ways indeed.
I did pop across to The Griffin to put up posters - live music, an array of real ales and a good turnout - looked interesting.
I may go back for a sample today, between noon and 1.00pm!!
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