Thursday, 26 June 2014

Come on Heather!

I will not be buying soup again for a long time - I bought Covent Garden Pea and mint and carrot, both of which should have been delicious.
On heating them up, both done on evenings when I'd been in the garden for too long, had a shower/bath and wanted something easy for dinner, a friend has phoned, the soup has boiled all over the cooker and it's taken longer to clean up the mess than it would have taken to cook a meal.
And the soups not so good after a good boil.
Stick to the fish/steak and salad!

Another lovely morning - played tennis yesterday, to Jan's for coffee with a mutual friend then back home for an hour or two of tennis before gardening until 8.30pm - it's looking really good from here.
I now take my watch off so have no idea of the time - usually an hour or two later than I think.
I mowed all the lawns (whilst the mower was in a good mood), tidied all of the "done" beds and the edges of the lawns to make mowing easier - took brambles and prizewinning nettles out of the hedges as they attack me mercilessly when I'm mowing.
A large bonfire waiting to be lit, when I have the nerve, a bucket of water, and the strength to manoeuvre a settee up the field - presently having respite by the stables.

Visitors both this morning and afternoon followed by the "Ladies Wine Evening" here this evening - all welcome as long as you're local and have a chilled bottle of proseco!

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