Tuesday, 17 June 2014


I was at the hairdressers this morning by 8.00am to be foiled, leaving a James Martin Madeira cake in the oven.
Apparently, my hair is now more interesting.
I then picked up a couple of friends to come home with me for coffee and cakes, along with a few more friends - a lovely, relaxing morning all round.
I made up by spending the afternoon in the garden, trimming edges of the top lawn - along the yard, by the factory and under the hedges - dirty and difficult.
For a change I started weeding the yard - about 2sq metres done in an hour and my knees stiff from kneeling.
I had some wonderful JS smoked salmon with salad in a Jewish pitta bread (named Hollylands) for dinner and have since drunk lots of coffee and eaten some cake - a Malteser cake, a twin to Th b'day cake yesterday.

I'm having an indulgent week - yesterday was tennis followed by a pedicure and wonderful pink toe nails.
Home to dress properly then off to Solihull for coffee in Pret and  shopping, before collecting J and Th from school.
After tea, the family came to celebrate Th birthday and share his Malteser cake, then JS and home by 8.00pm.  

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