Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Cezanne at the Ashmolean.

That's for tomorrow as I have a day to myself, between school runs.
I intend to complete the day by going to Communion at the Cathedral at 1.00pm
Monday was an inset day; T, KP and I went to Oxford on the top deck of the S5 from Pioneer Square.
We then did the walking tour from the tour guide - estimated to take two hours and take in a dozen or so of he most well known buildings - sounds dull, but was great fun, T and KP taking it in turns to check out the buildings and take a photo - very good photos actually.
Our route started at the Martyrs' Memorial  and proceeded down Cornmarket past St Michael's Tower (1000years old, originally part of the town wall) then past the golden arches to M&S, then back to the golden arches, aka MacDonalds, for lunch.
Suitably re-energised, we continued down to Christchurch, went through the meadow to Merton St, looked at the colleges and wound our way back to the Bodleian and Sheldonian and back to the bus stop by way of an ice cream shop.
T had a dental appointment at 3.30pm and KP swimming lessons at 4.30pm, then home to cook tea.
We all slept well

Weather has been great today - a good drying day, which I've made the most of - ironing still to do.
I multitasked and watched the French Open - the Sharipova match was 4-4 in the final set when I had to leave for school - I still don't know the result!
I hope the sun shines - better for waiting at bus stops!

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