Saturday, 21 June 2014

Flower pot.....cakes

I bought some silicone flower pot cake cases at Easter and eventually got round to using them today, cakes iced and decorated with a flower and presented to Jan on a silver serving dish - looked good!
M&M, in comparison, merely had a coffee cake, sprinkled with grated dark chocolate, the same as the one for tea here tomorrow.

I've made the most of the longest day by starting early - Coleshill for strawberries for the trifle and fuel for the mower, home to bake/cook, take in a Viyella dress that I bought last year in their sale, then off in the Lotus to deliver the baking.
This took much longer than intended, but it was warm!
I didn't get into the garden until after 4.30pm, then spent too long mowing around the trees and under the hedges with the little mower, until it got it's cord in a twist.
I abandoned it for the ride on, mowed outside, started the field, ran out of fuel, refilled and  as usual, it sulked, limped around for a while, with a lot of rests and died.
I swept the laundry and put them both away in the naughty corner, planted some dianthus (bargains from Morrisons) on the rockery and hollyhocks (grown by Jan from seeds given by Eliz) under the kitchen window, where Granny's grew.

I may look for new mowers on Monday - I'll buy a lottery ticket.
A really good day - even mastered the sewing machine - given me a taste for dressmaking again. 

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