Friday, 3 January 2014

Happy Birthday Marie.

Big sister Marie will be 67 by the time you read this. - she lives in France and doesn't feature greatly in my life, nevertheless, Happy Birthday.
AJ stayed last night, we were up early and had a great day sale shopping in Solihull and Knowle, including coffee at Pret a Manger.
We bought some clothes, in preparation for our holiday and some china, because we liked it.
We were home for a late lunch - finishing the cottage pie from yesterday's party and then checking out holiday destinations before aj set off for home.

It's been a wet and windy evening - I hope that the chicken run is secure, nearer to the stables as it blew  away, wholesale in the last storm.

I've been watching fat programmes on and off all evening - "50  facts about diet", followed by "Fat Women" - fancy being sat on (squashed) by a 600lb woman?
Not me offering - it's how some make a living.
Apparently, many youngish people have the joints of 70 year olds due to ......running!
Really bad for the joints if taken to excess, so W is right - walking is much better for you.
Having said that, I'm going to Lea Marston gym in the morning, as guest of Jan, then on to Ventura Park to shop/ have coffee at John Lewis.
I can do the ironing later in the day.
Sounds like a pretty good day. 

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