Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Quack, quack.

So where do the Ringsted ducks go in march?
We went for a walk with DK this morning via the park, with a bag of carefully cubed white bread, for the ducks. The pond was frozen & therewas not a duck to be seen. There was bread on the ice so we didn't leave ours to attract vermin. We went cat spotting insread as there were quite a lot of cats in the vicinity & Dk does like cats.
We had a potter around the town, bought bread & danish pastries ^ came home for coffee & cake, followed shortly afterwards by lunch. Actually, the space inbetween was so short that we didn't have to leave the table.
To be precise, I left the table to fetch the food for lunch; a minor detail.

Does anyone remember "The Worzells" from the 1960s?
They had a hit with a song about a combine harvester.
DK sings the chorus very accurately -Ooh ah, repeated.

We have had an excellent dinner of Danish pork & we are relaxing before bed-time or a James Bond film. Last night we watched "Quantum of Solace". I was sure that I had seen it with G when it first came out but it wasn't at all familiar.
Either I haven't seen it , or I fell aseep on the night.
Perhaps G will remember.


Anonymous said...

Do the ducks fly south for the winter? I think it would make a lot of sense given the frozen ponds and all that.

Anonymous said...

Not quackers then.