Another busy day.
Having finished "The girl who kicked the hornets' nest", I am reading a book about explorers, starting with those who discovered Europe, from 7000BC.
I've now reached Marco Polo.
I went to clean the Church with Maurice this morning, then gave the family gravestones a good scrub with disinfectant, ready for some Easter flowers.
I went to Coleshill for milk, had a quick lunch then went in the garden & worked until dark, clearing the rockery.
I must have cleared about six wheelbarrow loads of leaves, dead branches & weeds & still have some to finish.
I have the gardening days sorted, clear up, leave my gardening clothes in the laundry & have a bath whilst listening to the news - saves the aches & pains..
I've just had a smoked trout sandwich & a mango, I'm not sure why. Laziness probably.
I plan to go to bed before I fall asleep tonight; last night I woke up on the settee at 2.00am.
Decision for next week - shall I have my hair cut short or keep it about the same, only neater?
I went to Edinburgh. It was cold and wet. I shall now resume my seat in the armchair in front of the tv until summer. aj
You little jet-setter!
I could only manage Solihull.g
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