Tuesday, 28 October 2008


A great day.
I collected J (late!). B came over with T & KP & we did Halloween; we made cakes & did spooky decorations, - KP's had fewer decorations as she ate or at least sucked most of hers, we made an orange jelly & a good pumpkin lantern which we put on the front porch.
We drew, read, did puzzles & even had time to watch "Charlie & Lola", & ate.
The children were all great fun, J with her handbags, being followed around by KP, T opening, closing & questioning the contents of everything with a door & KP with a small improvised walking stick, looking like the Yoda.

This morning was bright but cold, after lunch it rained & then turned into snow, big penny sized flakes, hard & fast for about two hours.
B took T & KP outside with a torch to enjoy the snow when J went home as J had no wellies with her.
I'm sure that A would be game for snowman when they got home - I heard him giving T some design tips!
I do hope that it clears before our Drayton Manor day tomorrow & that it stays dry for the morning.


william said...

Sounds like alphabet soup? where are the photos?

Gill said...

It could be Denmark, it's that cold.
Flat batteries in the camera - I don't seem capable of doing things that are worthy of a photo & taking the photo.
This is a problem.