Thursday, 9 October 2008

On strike again.

OK, so I'm not worth a comment.
I spent most of the morning with the TV on, playing on the computer, in my dressing gown.
What a slob.
I had a bath, a watercress sandwich & then worked in the garden all afternoon, in the sunshine.
G came home early & joined in, mowing & raking.
I made butternut squash soup for dinner, followed by prawn & avacado salad & chocolate - healthy or what?
We have watched the big cat programme on BBC 1 again tonight - it is amazing & I recommend it to everyone - on CBBs as well.
Wildlife in Africa!

I have started looking through a suitcase full of papers & old family photos from my childhood, before repling to the newly found cousin in USA.
The second folder of photos that I opened were grannies, from a holiday in Denmark in 1957, including Copenhagen & Odense - places that G & I visited this summer. Many of the photos were of the same sites, 57 years on. Fascinating.
There are lots to get through yet.

Thomas day tomorrow & the sun is going to shine again.

I have now corrected this three times & lost the changes as we have no signal in the lounge.
I'll go upstairs to the powerhouse, rather than curse BT again.


William said...

I'm reading your blog each time you post on it, but sometimes it's tough to think of anything to add. Less is more sometimes!

Anonymous said...

Me too! I suspect the photos you found were not color. Who did she go to Denmark with? I seem to remember, you told me, she used to go on bus tours and thereby accrued some particular type and color of suitcases.
Tell us more about this cousin!

Anonymous said...

Not an enforced strike, really.

Get that lawn mown before it turns wet & you're stuck with it for the winter.

Granny did 2 or 3 coach tours a year, with Aunt Doris, she saw much of Europe/the Continent & always sent postcards & took photos.
Must be where aj got her travel bug from.

william said...

and the suitcases? and the cousin?

If you move the wireless router around a bit it might improve the signal - it will go through walls but glancing angles through walls act like six foot thick walls.
wrm (your ex computer nerd)