Monday, 11 November 2013

Diet advice.

Don't come home after an exercise class and eat stir fried vegetables with scallops, followed by fruit salad, unless you plan to sit up half the night whilst your digestive system deals with it.
Actually, I did accompany it with a mug of ovaltine light - perhaps that was the straw that broke the camels back.

This morning I did paperwork and phone calls, including Nespresso, to finally acknowledge that the milk frother heater was no longer functioning. ie, the milk stays cold, no froth.
I was told that an e mail would be sent, would I attach the receipt and send it back.
I asked if she meant me to use the post, she said, "you do have a smart phone, don't you?
You take a photo , attach it to the e mail, and send it back".
Right, that's sorted then.
I've arranged a training session for tomorrow!!

I had an enjoyable shop in Knowle and Solihull today, met Jan for lunch in Pret, then collected J & Th from school, cooked tea, then came home via JS fuel station and M&S food, for fish and vegetables.
I had  time just to empty the car and change into tracky bottoms and trainers, before salsaexercise - good exercise but the dancing is almost beyond me.                                                                                                                                                                                                   


William said...

you need to cut out the "light" crap and eat more fat with less sugar and carbs. You already know that.

Gill said...

The ovaltine wasn't a good choice, but I'm sure that it was the pineapple that broke the camel's back.
Stupid to have eaten it.

Gill said...

The ovaltine wasn't a good choice, but I'm sure that it was the pineapple that broke the camel's back.
Stupid to have eaten it.