Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Beware the chocolate!

I made dietary mistakes today - toast & nutella for breakfast, before a sprint into town and back, then a drive to Knowle.
Feeling peckish, I bought a Bakewell slice at my favourite bakers - Curtis's - it was awful, tasting of oil, so a bad result all round - calories and little pleasure.
I went on to Solihull looking forward to a coffee, but didn't have time as I stopped to buy a pair of shoes - electric blue with stunning heels - an impulse sale buy because they match my favourite dress - just need an invitation to dinner now!
I picked up Jessie and we went shopping for a curtain rail for my bedroom - failed -  whilst Th played football, then, had a drink in M&S - my coffee, at last!
We bought very chocolate biscuits to feed to Grandad when he returned with Th - we had to buy three packets - why do they do that?
I ate two with my tea, then three more from another packet, on the way home.
I didn't have time for dinner when I got in and went bell ringing, high as a kite.
I was useless, couldn't catch the sally & scared myself and Maurice to death, eventually giving up.
I've since eaten cheese, tomato and toast - still buzzing.

I want to calculate my BMI - think I'll have to go metric first.
I watched a "Bargain Hunt" from last week at the weekend - there was me, in red tee-shirt, looking skinny, right in the centre, with Jan - the day we went to Hanson's in July - the non-celebratory team.
I've been busy deleting things so that that programme will not be deleted before Jan has seen it.
15 seconds of fame! 
Scrub up in the morning - out for lunch.  

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