Sunday, 10 November 2013


I don't know where the end of the week disappeared to - I did a blog last night, then it also disappeared, apart from the last word - perhaps they are together in the ether, somewhere.
I am relaxing prior to going to Sh church to take evening Prayer, having taken the family service  this morning, followed by Morning Prayer at OW, where I managed to leave my sermon and intercessions (prayers), as  one of the older ladies had a turn after the service, and we were awaiting the paramedics.
She is alright - tests done...

I came home to lunch with B, E and family and AJ - a combined effort.
All have now gone home, I've looked at my e mails - yawn!!
I wanted to clean the windows as the sun is shining, making them look a mess - I overcame the urge!
I have a quiet week planned - must get organised ready for the decorator and plasterer - hopefully in reverse order, find a curtain rail and curtains for my bedroom, before the freeze.

Table Sale yesterday went well - £335 for the church, £115 on my vintage stall and a good time had by all.
I wish I'd bought a Sunday Telegraph!

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