Saturday, 5 February 2011

Self indulgence.

The bathroom is decidedly the warmest place in the mornings,. This morning I had a lie in, reading the book by the diet blogger in Australia, who eventually lost half of her 25 stone bodyweight.
I did speed-read, but half way through she is still over 17 stone & has not lost anything for 45 weeks.
It must get better than this.
I then had a bath, facepack & pedicure before setting off for Coleshill & then on church, to clean..
I didn't phone Maurice, my cleaning buddy, as I thought it was unfair to take him out on a Saturday.
Having taken cleaning materials & the radio then fetched the key from it's cobweb infested hidy-hole, I found that Maurice had already been & done it all.
Part of me was relieved, the other part, guilty.
I went home, had a light brunch then opted for Ventura Park, to buy food to take to aj's tomorrow to ensure that we both lose weight next week - fish, fish, Count on us meals, lots of fruit & vegetables & tonic water.
M&S had racks of sale clothes, all very drab & samey. the children's were much better & I bought some things for J & DK.
I took in JS & Homebase as it was dark & everyone else had gone home by then.
I visited Maurice & Mary on the way home with some potted narcissus as an apology, & stayed for about an hour, arriving home at about 8.30pm.
Dinner, phone & TV off now as it's complete & utter drivel.
A couple of texts from G - "Nightmare" was the one from the overnight, 12 hour bus journey across Vietnam.
Unfortunately I found these texts while having my free tea in M&S (thanks, aj), & replied.
It being midnight in Vietnam, I woke G from the following night's sleep.
Much warmer yesterday & today; 11 degrees, but windy.
Time for bed.

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