Saturday 12 February 2011

Al dressed up & ............

It's been a beautiful day today, warm & sunny - I hoped to do some gardening, but ran out of time.
I have just returned from the hairdressers, feeling very glam - I wish that I could make my hair look like Bryan does. Of course, this comes at a cost, monetary as well s listening to the aforementioned Bryan for an hour.
I had a lazy morning. I popped up to Coleshill to complete the vegetable buying for tomorrow's lunch, as JS didn't have any parsnips or cauliflower worth looking at - there are 12 of us for lunch; a fund raising effort for the church - £8, or what you think it was worth.
Hopefully, more than £8.
I have a nice piece of outdoor reared pork (always a firm favorite at the weekend) & a large chicken.
Deserts will be some of the old favourites.
Sherry as an aperitif & wine with the meal.
I've laid the table but there's a layer of dust to be dealt with before I settle down for the evening.
I had brunch (banana sandwich), washed the car thoroughly & cleaned the downstairs windows, whist the wash leather was out, when I got back from Coleshill, then back to Coleshill again.
What an adventurous day!

Yesterday was a Thomas day. We had a lovely day, despite Thomas being tired by Friday.
I did the shopping at JS on the way home, to save shopping today.
This wasn't 100% successful as stocks were low, hence today's trip.
I did visit the gym en route to pick up Thomas, so felt pleased with myself.

I have two Thomas days next week, Monday & Friday, so I shall get in two gym visits.
I'm visiting JR in between.
Not a lot of physical exercise there.

I have 9 piles of goodies on the kitchen table, for the grandchildren, having visited M&S sale.
I need to get organised as I'm visiting Bicester on the way home from JR.
I'd better tidy them out of the way before tomorrow.

I couldn't do any of the Telegraph crossword on Thursday or Friday.
Either I'm losing it or the compiler is an alien.


Anonymous said...

try "in ale" maybe you will find it easier.

Anonymous said...

Is this a crossword answer?

Anonymous said...

anagram of alien, possible that an intake of alcohol may assist in finding crossword easier.