Tuesday, 19 January 2010

You only live twice.

I've got a cold. I sat in front of a big fire, wrapped up well & felt sorry for myself last night. G looked after me very well, after I'd cooked the dinner & I've survived today on cold tablets & strepsils & been rather grumpy.
G took over the blog & is obviously more interesting than me as he has lots of comments.
Well, I'm back - same old stuff.

So I retired & now I'm back at the chalk face two days a week, teaching maths, which is fine.
Three lessons with a stroppy year 11 class, to try to get "C" grades by having smaller classes, four lessons with withdrawal groups from other classes with about six pupils in each - doddle.
This leaves three lessons when I would ideally support other maths classes, but so far I have covered absent science staff; the temp hasn't returned this year yet. Today I had some year 11s for three out of the first four hours of the day! Not good.

Anyway, I am appalled that Cadburys is being sold to Kraft. Surely we can maintain something British & uphold tradition. They'll probably turn Bourneville into a theme park.
Yesterday I had an expensively produced brochure from Cadburys saying "Keep Cadburys British" on every other page, along with dozens of reasons to do so.
But that was yesterday!


Anonymous said...

I also received the brochure, but it would seem that much of Cadbury's choclate has been made in Europe for years and that the views of the shareholders count for nothing. We have been sold out.
I will never eat Cadbury's chocolate again !
Obviously you will henceforth be seeing less of me. aj

Anonymous said...

Bet you do!
When you get a big cheque - will you send it back as a protest?

Anonymous said...

I shall never eat Cadbury chocolate or Kraft cheese slices or accept filthy lucre from Kraft.
I'm still waiting to see aj.