Aj offered me the first cup of tea of the day at 4.15am.
I pointed out the error of her body clock & went back to sleep; aj had tea & biscuits in bed, then slept until morning.
We eventually went to Wetherby & did the shops before buying food for lunch & dinner, in M&S & coming home for lunch.
After a prawn cocktail lunch we went to Acomb's foremost charity shop (no sale) we went to the designer outlet to search for out of season clothing. Apparently it was sold off in January.
That must have been last year's stuff.
Never mind, we bagged a few bargains, were warned that the lights went out in the changing rooms 3 minutes after we went in & were thrown out onto the street into the rain at 6.00pm.
We have recuperated with a cup of tea. checked the shopping & are waiting for the moussaka to cook.
I have some web-sites to check out in preparation for an interview with a market research guy tomorrow morning, before setting off for home.
I think that this evening's pub quiz may be one decision too far!
Go for the pub quiz.
Specailist subject - "Marks and Spencers of the West Midlands"
How about specialist subject 'wms ebay purchases' that should fill a whole evening!
Last time I went with Emma.I suggested calling us Les Girls (the girls) but she thought we might be mistaken for les girls,a totally different concept and Dick's Girls was equally likely to be misconstrued.Despite not realising all the flags on the sheet should be of countries beginning with an S,(we were not the only ones to make this mistake) in a certain death play off our answer to a boxing question was years off but still closer than the others and we came gome with a bottle of wine.aj
sudden death I suspect!
There's always asomniac problem involved in evening events.
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