Thursday, 7 February 2008

To boldly go.....

My day has been quiet, gentle, but possibly a little lacking in highlights compared to yours.
My main success is that I have washed everything washable, ironed it & put it away.
My detergent of choice is.........Bold!
I spoke to most of the family
- Jessie collected her first school prize last night, for always having a smile.
- Tim had eaten "boring old shreddies" for breakfast & invited me there & himself here, before the usual long goodbye.
- Jeremy was with morfar for the day, both playing at being ill.
- some folk were at work. Shame.
I did odd jobs & a little light shopping to ensure that my suitcase is full tomorrow when I set off for Denmark.
G has a clean bill of health so all's well.

I expected some comment on the Radley bag. Obviously you all thought that" it suits me, sir".
Question Time is on, from Liverpool. The Labour MP, Andy Burnham, has really strange eyes. Mascara? David Bannatyne looks very bored, otherwise the panel is of little interest.

Did you all have pancakes on Tuesday?
Have you given up anything - treats, bad habits, etc for Lent?
Are you prepared for next Wed (14 Feb)?


William said...

I don't have any bad habits to give up and I was already dieting in some way or other.

Anonymous said...

We thought he was wearing mascara too. We have decided we are getting old as we now make a point of staying up to watch Question Time.
E and B

Anonymous said...

overcome by the usual somnia on question time but had already seen he of the weird eyes saying his bit on the ten o'clock news, rather gave away the idea of question time being live. ajen

Anonymous said...

William: Ha Ha!
Habits! Shall we all blog just one?
The "see food" diet does not count!

E,B, AJ: I saw him on tee news & was equally surprised as,
1. I thought that QT was live.
2. Fancy showing a news programme before transmission.