Monday, 4 February 2008

Monday again!

Well, my Friday blog wasn't worth a single comment, even with photos.
Never mind, I will blog on, despite the seeming indifference to my efforts.

Saturday was cold, wet & windy; we stayed in all day, doing things.
G ventured out in the evening to fetch a takeaway (prawn puri, chicken biryani & peshwari naan), which we devoured in front of a roaring fire, with a nice bottle of wine.

Sunday was Candlemas,named because of all of the candles in the temple in Jerusalem where Jesus was presented when he was 40 days old.
If the sun shines on Candlemas tradition says that winter will continue for 6 weeks.
No problem there then!
Middle USA has Groundhog Day - they come out from hibernation, if the sun is shining they go back for 6 weeks.
Sunday was very cold, wet & windy.
We went for a bracing walk around Kingsbury Water Park, coming home to stew & dumplings to warm up.

Today I dysoned upstairs & down; this took 400 Kcals(I hope) & 3 hours.
I did errands in Coleshill & then took the G car to The Ring of Bells for them to listen to the squeak under the bonnet.
Luckily it was squeaking for England when I arrived & it only took an hour to identify the cause & book it in for next week.
Shopping was seriously curtailed by this, but I did get to the gym by 4.31pm & worked off a few grammes of fat (no doubt from a most inconspicuous bit)

A gale is blowing, Piers Brosnan is advertising L'oreal, "because he's worth it" & baked beans now come in one portion, microwaveable pots.
Whatever next?
A bite of a chocolate cookie for the best suggestion.


William said...

If you don't get many or any comments then satisfy yourself with the hit counter. I seem to get a lot of visits (sometimes around a hundred in a day!) so not everyone comments.

Anonymous said...

Very much looking forward to you coming over. One day we'll have a house with a fire, I get a bit envious when I see all the pictures you post of fireplaces.

Anonymous said...

They are internet pictures - ours looks better!
See you Friday.