Friday, 20 March 2015


What a day!
Started with a bright sunny morning giving a great view of the eclipse, which was amazing.
I remember watching one with W and B when they were small, mirrors to reflect an image onto black paper on the garage door, to protect their eyes.
I went back to bed afterwards and fell asleep, so missing a meal and enjoying grilled tomatoes on ciabatta with olive oil, for "brunch".
I've dried two loads of washing on the line - 13 degrees with a light breeze.
I have a lovely crisp, clean bed to sink into shortly.

To cap it all I've just sold a large inlaid marble trayon e bay for £59.99.
It was made by the descendants of the men who built and decorated the Taj Mahal, price label on the back for 3500rp (£350)
I paid £3, so a good return.
I have another for sale............

Lawns will want mowing soon but I can't see down very well yet and don't want shaking about as the fluid in my duff eye wobbles about too much.

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