Thursday, 5 March 2015

Be careful what you offer!

I'm definitely feeling much better today and have just eaten yesterday's egg - chicken's, that is, in a roll, for breakfast, in bed, expertly prepared by AJ.
I can't stand tea or coffee at the moment.
The only times when this has happened in the past was when I was pregnant.
As it,s just nine months before Advent, I'm a little concerned over what I may have prayed during those stressful few hours before and during surgery.
Perhaps the very antithesis of Mary would be an obvious choice for the second time round.
Perhaps an immaculate conception at my age would be more credible, then again, perhaps it's just the eye drops.

On a different topic altogether, a helicopter has now been hovering over Maxstoke ? Since yesterday lunchtime, like a demented dragonfly.
AJ thinks that it may be tethered to a pylon.
I don't.
Any ideas?

Not a lot doing otherwise - time to lie flat again as this bending forwards makes my back ache after a while - eye's looking and seeing much better, not a lot, but better.

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