Friday, 29 November 2013

Home again.

From my break in Denmark with W, MK and the boys - complimented by being described as
 "a luxury au pair" - relaxing and enjoyable, taking DK to Bernehave/nursery (the boys are teaching me Danish, everyone else having given up -not a natural linguist!), two hours exercise, walking / shopping or whatever , then back home for lunch, a little light housework, collect the boys, tea then prepare dinner.
I have actually navigated my way around Ringsted and its environs with some competence - a first.
I have even managed to shop in the supermarket - no problem with vegetables and fruit - they look the same, apart from technicolour carrots (presumably to give some variety as Danes eat carrots the way Brits eat tomato ketchup - no meal complete without), packeted goods are more of a challenge as are  "chocolate marcipan bars" - a bagful brought home!

P met me at BHX at 9.40am with a scrummy Xmas coffee and saw me safely ensconced.
Home was as I left it with just a few more molehills on the top lawn, more leaves down and honeysuckle in flower???
No plastering done, the decorator coming on Monday and a "ladies get-together" here on Wednesday - where to start without causing chaos?
I visited M & M to catch up, ordered the Xmas turkey, etc from the farm and tried to make sense of the next week.
30 Xmas trees to be delivered to church next Tuesday, to be stood in blocks and wired for light, in position ready for the open weekend on 7,8 December.
Where are the 29 sponsors?
Will the Estate deliver the BIG tree by then so it can be put up first?
Have the others done their bits?
Is someone doing the wiring up of the lights, or is it me?
How can we heat the church - wiring has failed??

Up and at it - contact tree sponsors then to Solihull to buy wallpaper for dining room from Laura Ashley - Morris is just too expensive, food shop then collect J & Th from school, for a sleepover.

No answers yet

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Ringsted, by day and night.

Never a dull moment.
W went sailing yesterday morning despite the threat of little by way of wind.
I went to Holbaek with MK and the boys, to buy them winter boots.
A really pretty town on the coast, with the most amazing fish shop - cutlets of salmon smoked with a wide range of foods, from chili to haws plus so many different fresh fish varieties.
The outdoor shop was a hunters' paradise, an automated wild fowl plucker on offer on the counter amongst a plethora of unrecognisable hunting necessities, to say nothing of more boots than I could imagine.
J and DK were delighted with their boots and have worn them for every outing since.
we went to T and B for a family meal at tea time - delicious, roast pork followed by amazing baked apples stuffed with.....marzipan.
K and L's three little girls are all delightful.

Lazy day today, MK running whilst DK was at the gym, W to crossfit whilst I ironed - flexing my biceps from time to time to select the next shirt!
Big lunch , a good walk and tea.
I've since watched the Paleo U tubes and taken a vow to avoid all grains and dairy to combat the insulin highs that cause my fat cells to fill up - fin and fit for Christmas??

Friday, 22 November 2013

Tivoli by day.... and night

Another fun day with the family.
After taking DK to nursery, I went for a brisk walk around the town, trying out new routes.
I decided that I'm at last getting my bearings, after visiting for eight years.
I can just about decide which direction I need to be going in in order to reach important points on the home, J's school, nursery, Netto.....
This is a first for me.
Perhaps I am developing a bump of direction'.

Later DK and I were picked up by T, B, and J, who had been collected from school, to go to the Tivoli Gardens.
They looked wonderful, especially after a glass of Gluck, whilst the boys enjoyed a ride.
They had such a good time - beaming faces, alongside
We later met W for dinner at 'Mothers' - wonderful pizza.

Time for bed I woke up far too early This morning,


For Christmas tree decorations.
The trees in all of the shops looked magnificent,especially Georg Jensen & Illums Bolighus?
I walked to the station after taking DK to. Nursery, bought my ticket, without any assistance - ticket machines & never En instructions when it matters here - and met T on the train.
We had a brilliant day, visiting the Palace, shopping, viewing the Christmas table decorations at Royal Copenhagen and drinking coffee.
We bought some decorations and made plans, based on those in the stores.
Expect white and glitter in both Sorø and Shustoke this Christmas!
We were met at the station by B and DK, then home for beer and dinner with the family.

TV here is not good.
I seem to have woken up ridiculously early and need some entertainment - perhaps this will send me back to sleep - it is often implied that it has that effect on others!

Wednesday, 20 November 2013


J is teaching me a little Danish, starting with words that look the same/are spelt the same in both languages.
I sense that he finds me a disappointing student, by way of both pronunciation and memory - languages have never been my strong suit!

I've had a gentle day - chat to aj before showering and dressing, whilst the frost cleared, then a walk around town and to the Outlet Centre.
Back home to organise dinner before going to collect J from school - he was watching a programme on TV, so I collected DK first, then we collected J, together, DK on his bike, me jogging to keep up.
After a snack, we walked to the gym, for J's class, then came home to complete the dinner.
Snacks consist of MK's rolls, made this morning, before work.
The roast pork - local farm reared organic slow-cooked, was amazing.

Copenhagen tomorrow with T to see the Christmas decorations and table settings at Royal Copenhagen.

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Saturday Night Fever.

I feel that I should be doing something more on a Saturday night than sitting by the fire, napping.
It is a cold night, I've been out all day and I'm tired, so perhaps it's not a bad option.
I've been at a Readers' Training Day in Edgbaston, all day - led by Bishop David, two workshops on communicating and a nice lunch - OK, but not earth shattering.
I drove home via Erdington to go to Dunelm Mill to buy a curtain pole for my bedroom - antique ivory -  a quote for parchment velvet curtains - £590!!!!

No heating in church for 3 weeks - rewiring needed!

Just watched Antiques road Trip, from Lostwithiel - where Dad went to live, briefly - he used to buy books at the Auction house there.
Both teams made big losses - tight lot in Cornwall, or are they discerning?

Friday, 15 November 2013


Yesterday, the M40, today, the M42!!
I set off for Bicester to meet a friend for coffee, heard the traffic news shortly afterwards, then spent the next two and a half hours covering the 63 miles, largely on the A46, standing still, having taken evasive action, to no avail.
I had a great time with the family, bought a new heater, with help on the market research front from B, then came home this morning, in record time - M42 at a standstill!
I had a facial in Dorridge - met Ann whilst parking, so went for a chat afterwards,  coffee in Pret in Solihull, where I met a friend from KS, not seen for some years, then home for a bit of fish and salad before going to Jan's for an evening putting together the paperwork for the Christmas Tree Festival.
Talked out!
Electric blanket is brill!

Wednesday, 13 November 2013


There was a hard frost last night, which made the garden and the yard look immaculate this morning - pleasing after the efforts of yesterday.
A busy day of indulgence  - meeting a friend for coffee at M&S, Ventura Park this morning, to catch up on news, which took a couple of coffees each and nearly two hours.
I returned the jeans, ordered over  the Internet as they were 2 inches shorter than the pair bought in the shop.
Their quality control is poor.
I tried others on but failed to find any that fitted well - disappointing.
On to JS and Argos, to buy an electric blanket - Dreamland intelligent - it turns on and off depending on body temperature, can stay on all night and costs only 1 p per night.
I hope that it lives up to expectations - 20 years since I used one, I love a warm bed!
A manicure this afternoon and toenails painted purple - wicked!
I did have to walk back to the car in my socks, then park close to the garage to avoid walking across too much of the gravel - should have taken sandals as shoes wreck toe nail polish.

Parish fund raising meeting here tonight so I made a lemon sponge for refreshments and a chocolate cake to take to Bicester tomorrow.
Another day of self indulgence!                                                  

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Do I want a piglet?

I spent four hours this morning sweeping up wet leaves and acorns from the yard - I have never seen so many acorns as there are this year, some already rooted on the rockery.
Six barrow loads, added to the four barrow loads I collected before the monsoon!.
Then I cleaned out and moved the chickens.

That done, I had a shower to get clean and straighten my back, then to Coleshill to do some chores - I rewarded myself by booking a manicure and pedicure for tomorrow afternoon.
I spent the rest of the afternoon with Jan, planning the fund raising events for church, for next year.
So far we have
*Burns' night
*Table Sale
*Charles Hanson Valuation lunch
*Cream Teas, to coincide with the Griffin Beer Festival
*Wine and Cheese evening at a "Posh" venue - TBA.

Does anyone have any bright/new ideas??

I've just had my fish supper - chili salmon with stir fry vegetables, tomato and basil salad.
Bell ringing at 8.oopm, followed by a drink in the Griffin - trying to make the latter a tradition - I'm better at drinking than bell ringing - I don't even dribble! 

Monday, 11 November 2013

Diet advice.

Don't come home after an exercise class and eat stir fried vegetables with scallops, followed by fruit salad, unless you plan to sit up half the night whilst your digestive system deals with it.
Actually, I did accompany it with a mug of ovaltine light - perhaps that was the straw that broke the camels back.

This morning I did paperwork and phone calls, including Nespresso, to finally acknowledge that the milk frother heater was no longer functioning. ie, the milk stays cold, no froth.
I was told that an e mail would be sent, would I attach the receipt and send it back.
I asked if she meant me to use the post, she said, "you do have a smart phone, don't you?
You take a photo , attach it to the e mail, and send it back".
Right, that's sorted then.
I've arranged a training session for tomorrow!!

I had an enjoyable shop in Knowle and Solihull today, met Jan for lunch in Pret, then collected J & Th from school, cooked tea, then came home via JS fuel station and M&S food, for fish and vegetables.
I had  time just to empty the car and change into tracky bottoms and trainers, before salsaexercise - good exercise but the dancing is almost beyond me.                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Sunday, 10 November 2013


I don't know where the end of the week disappeared to - I did a blog last night, then it also disappeared, apart from the last word - perhaps they are together in the ether, somewhere.
I am relaxing prior to going to Sh church to take evening Prayer, having taken the family service  this morning, followed by Morning Prayer at OW, where I managed to leave my sermon and intercessions (prayers), as  one of the older ladies had a turn after the service, and we were awaiting the paramedics.
She is alright - tests done...

I came home to lunch with B, E and family and AJ - a combined effort.
All have now gone home, I've looked at my e mails - yawn!!
I wanted to clean the windows as the sun is shining, making them look a mess - I overcame the urge!
I have a quiet week planned - must get organised ready for the decorator and plasterer - hopefully in reverse order, find a curtain rail and curtains for my bedroom, before the freeze.

Table Sale yesterday went well - £335 for the church, £115 on my vintage stall and a good time had by all.
I wish I'd bought a Sunday Telegraph!

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Out to lunch!

Up early to make a cup of tea, when I took pity on the Dyson, dissected it and washed everything removable - filters, tools, etc.
Once in the mood, I put the washing machine on then vacuumed through, binning everything that looked out of place.
Unfortunately, the recycling bin fought back and tried to break my thumb by catching it between the tray and the lid.
Bleeding profusely - just the job when about to do the ironing.
Protected by kitchen roll I ironed everything in sight, then set about my e mails whilst eating a toasted tea cake and flat white coffee.

Whilst suffering the disappointment of no froth for a cappuccino, I phoned Nespresso - water reservoir rusting - new one to be dispatched, then the no froth problem.
I was told to put water in the milk frother, with a little detergent and run it, to remove any clag.
After mopping up the soap suds, I phoned back to say, no change.
They will collect and replace - have to have a cappuccino out tomorrow.

I had a good scrub up, skimpy dress and black tights, then off to Purley Chase Centre for a birthday lunch with  a good buffet and excellent company.
Home by tea time.

Time to relax and write a few letters before an Alms Houses/residents meeting in a very cold church,  a visit to the Shopping Evening in the Village Hall on the way home - £2 entrance, to include a glass of yucky English wine and local cheese.
 Nothing bought, but a few locals to chat to before home to settle down.
Tired, with a cut, bruised thumb but an immaculate Dyson and clean floors.

I found an NHS site and calculated by BMI - 24.5
I knew I was still fat!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Beware the chocolate!

I made dietary mistakes today - toast & nutella for breakfast, before a sprint into town and back, then a drive to Knowle.
Feeling peckish, I bought a Bakewell slice at my favourite bakers - Curtis's - it was awful, tasting of oil, so a bad result all round - calories and little pleasure.
I went on to Solihull looking forward to a coffee, but didn't have time as I stopped to buy a pair of shoes - electric blue with stunning heels - an impulse sale buy because they match my favourite dress - just need an invitation to dinner now!
I picked up Jessie and we went shopping for a curtain rail for my bedroom - failed -  whilst Th played football, then, had a drink in M&S - my coffee, at last!
We bought very chocolate biscuits to feed to Grandad when he returned with Th - we had to buy three packets - why do they do that?
I ate two with my tea, then three more from another packet, on the way home.
I didn't have time for dinner when I got in and went bell ringing, high as a kite.
I was useless, couldn't catch the sally & scared myself and Maurice to death, eventually giving up.
I've since eaten cheese, tomato and toast - still buzzing.

I want to calculate my BMI - think I'll have to go metric first.
I watched a "Bargain Hunt" from last week at the weekend - there was me, in red tee-shirt, looking skinny, right in the centre, with Jan - the day we went to Hanson's in July - the non-celebratory team.
I've been busy deleting things so that that programme will not be deleted before Jan has seen it.
15 seconds of fame! 
Scrub up in the morning - out for lunch.  

Why Guy Fawkes?

There have been a great many dirty deeds planned, which subsequently failed, so why do we remember Guy Fawkes above all others?
Unless you're British, you won't even know who Guy Fawkes is.
How about incinerating replicas of the 1984 Brighton bombers every year?
Perhaps there's more to GF than I'm aware of - my ignorance is immense.

  I'm relaxing after doing the schoolrun/walk with t & KP - the best part of the day, which went like clockwork....apart from T's shoes - what's a bit of dried mud anyway!
I'm about to walk into town before setting off for Solihull to collect J & Th from school.
In between, I'm planning to do a little light shopping with coffee at Pret, somewhere along the line.
The joys of retirement - sounds a pretty good day - the company of four grandchildren, shopping and coffee!
Bellringing, perhaps followed by a tonic water at the Griffin, this evening.
I am waiting for the rain to settle down a little - give it 5 minutes, at most.

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Home again

I appear to have got up during the night and put another duvet on the bed, so I must have felt the chill at some point.
Just in case, I lit a fire in the lounge this evening.
A good move as a friend came round and we spent the evening chatting, over coffee, by the fire.

This morning I got up at a gentle pace, having written tomorrow's sermon - Zacchaeus, that very little man, who climbed up into a sycamore tree, the saviour so to see - I wore my new jeans, which feel perfect - a good fit all round, bought yesterday in exchange for the birthday flowers that M&S got so wrong, three times.
I got my exercise for the day by running to Jan's and then spending four hours walking around "Antiques for Everyone" at the NEC, with Chris.
He is a mine of information, especially on things oriental; I'm a mine of misinformation on everything.
I would have bought an 1820 whatnot to use as a bedside table, had it not been over £20000 - good to have a wish list, I guess - something to work towards.
It's great just to look at and feel these things - a learning process.

Back for coffee and a chat with Jan, so I wasn't home until tea time - wet, windy and almost dark but a great home-coming as there were two moles on the car bonnet.
Thank you Arthur .
Traps still set so I guess that there are more to come.

I cooked scallops & stir fry vegetables for dinner, followed by fresh stewed apricots with vanilla ice cream - it was delicious.
I now have to finish my sermon so that I have time to visit Sh church in the morning, before taking the service at NW.
Lots to do.

The leaves and acorns on the yard have blown to the sides like the parting of the Red Sea - should be easy to sweep up, if the wind ever drops.