Monday, 16 May 2011

Good e.vening Vietnam

We are watching "Gordon's great escape" - Ramsey that is, not Brown.
He is in Vietnam, where any animal is eaten, butchered just prior to cooking & every bit of the animal is eaten.
G is re-living the experience, but he didn't swallow a snakes heart in alcohol, still beating, promised to make you a "five a night" man. (info given, not a judgement)

We went to the gym this morning & then on to pick up Thomas. G finished the wooden edging jobs around the loft hatch & mowed the lawns whilst I cleared up after him & played Granny.
We had M&S C on U meals for dinner as they were 3 for 2 when I went to buy one for a solitary dinner on Friday.
They were good, anyway.

Tennis tomorrow morning then perhaps some gardening, if the weather stays good.
Must catch up with aj.


Anonymous said...

It's good you're blogging again as it reminds me how much less interesting life could be!

I'm not sure if that is too rude...

Anonymous said...

No, it's not bloody rude at all.
If I can make just one person feel better about their own life, then living will not have been in vain.