Monday, 30 May 2011

Rain, rain...

It rained gently, all night & until 5.00pm, then we went for a nice walk, down Moat House lane & round the block, visiting the Alms Houses en route to see if all is well as we have a meeting shortly.
I have had a lazy day, catching up on the w/e papers & making carrot & ginger soup, that's all really.
Yesterday we had a Christian Aid lunch for about thirty - lasagne, ciabatta & salad with a selection of deserts.
A priest from S India took the morning service, he had three priests from Africa with him, who together did some great singing. They all came back for lunch & were most interesting & would love to return.
We made nearly £200 for CA, so all in all it was a success.
I cleared up & then soaked in the bath for an hour before Antiques Roadshow, then Scott & Bailey, a new cops & robbers, set in Manchester. Promising.

Friday was a Thomas day, Saturday, G mowed the lawns & I cooked lasagnes & puds.

We are watching The Lost cities of Egypt - archaeological sites found through spy satellite photography.

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