Thursday, 12 May 2011

Blogging again.

OK, so it works again, here we go.
We have been busy. I have to admit that I have done nothing this morning, apart from phone aj & catch up on e-mails whilst watching TV.
The fat slags on Jeremy Kyle & a woman with xx boobs on This Morning.
We arrived home last night after going to Malcolm's funeral in Lyme Regis & staying over at the coast before taking the scenic route home, stopping at some pretty market towns, seeing B&E to leave a birthday present for T, then home with fish & chips.
We had a good italian meal while away, lovely farm cooked food at the wake & now are in a W position - fighting to get back to where we were.
A Thomas day tomorrow, which always includes the gym first thing.
That may help.
Anyone need a granny, or shall I start painting the windows/look for a last minute holiday?

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