Sunday, 23 May 2010

Whew, what a scorcher!

OK, so I was not intended to do a car boot sale this weekend.
I fully accept this & apologise for ever having considered doing one.
What do you need for a car boot sale? - tat, a friend/sister & a car.
Boxes of tat in the loft & factory.
aj coming on Sat evening.
Volvo V50 in the drive.
Saturday morning the starter motor is jammed, will not unjam, even for the RAC man, & a replacement unavailable until Monday.
P, very kindly offered her car.
Aj arrived & we went to the church quiz/bingo whilst G went to fetch it.
He didn't phone first, P&A were out so he came back to the quiz & went again later, after the quiz - 60 miles clocked so far.
(The quiz was a little disappointing, well, more than a little to be honest.)
Anyway, we were up early, packed the car & set off before 7.30am.
We queued from Over Whitacre for a couple of miles, drove onto the field with relief, to be told that they were full.
Bollocks 2.
We came home, had a lovely day in the sunshine with J, G & the children, including lunch in the garden.
We have unloaded the car, sorted & repacked the tat & put it back in the factory, G has returned the car & you would never know that it had happened, or not, as the case may be.
Time for some supper.

If no-one comments, I shall start posting photos of serial killers.


William said...

I made a comment from my phone but it doesn't appear to have worked.

Your blog is fascinating and I am sure that it is the highlight of all your readers' days to read about your daily comings and goings.

Anonymous said...

We might have done better in the quiz with more knowledge of pop music and football - who could have guessed in 1986 England had 2 players in the team called Gary Stephens, well I still can't.Did we have a manager with a stutter ! I was just going to google it but I don't want to navigate away.
Just as unbelievable as being in the middle of nowhere,i.e. furnace end, in a 2 mile queue on a B road at 7.30 am on a Sunday morning.aj